I've just bought a LE32R8 Samsung LCD and I connected the hd cables the same way I did in my Sony Bravia but when I select game mode and turn my x360 on, a "no signal" message appears.can anybody help me please?
I live in Europe, but in my country games are really expensive, for instance.: I bought my gears of war for 72 euros, which is equal to 97 american dolars... so I was thinking about starting to order games from EUA. my only question is, will they work in my 360? because american dvd's don't work in the normal europe dvd's settings, so it might happen the same thing with games: does anybody knows if it happens or not?
I've just order Gears Of War special edition , but it will take 2 weeks to arrive so I decided to buy a $20-30 game to play during these 2 weeks. which one do you thing I should get? it can be any type of game.
My xbox 360 is not working so I'm going to take it to the shop where I have bought it... the problem is that they will sent it to the my country mainland (I live in an island) an if I also give them the hard drive to annalyse it might not return. So I was thinking about buying a memory card to copy my profile and game saves, or I could ask to a friend his hard drive and copy my player profile to his hard drive. Do this works or there is another option? thanks ;)
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