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Grand-Imperator Blog

My Hall Of Fame

I guess I am a bit of a gaming nut. I've been playing games since my father bought me a Sinclair Spectrum +3 in the mid eighties. Then got a NES, then a Commodore Amiga and finally a PC in 1997-Present.

I own over 500 games (not all listed on this website) which is probably why I got given that silly Bad Taste Badge. Not reflective of my taste at all.

RPGS (this excludes action games like Diablo/Deus Ex which are not true to the genre)

1. Baldurs Gate 1 and 2

2. Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2

3. Planescape Torment

4. SSI Gold Box Collection (based on D and D world)

5. Dragon Age

6. Mass Effect

7. The Witcher

8. Eye of the Beholder 1 and 2

9. Jade Empire

10. Neverwinter Nights 2

Special Mention: Arx Fatalis, Lands of Lore 1 and 2, Dungeon Master 2, Divine Divinity, Ishar 1,2,3, Fallout Series, Temple of Elemental Evil

STRATEGY (Turn Based and RTS) This one was tough to choose!!

1. Combat Mission 1,2 and 3

2. Commandos 1,2 and 3

3. Settlers 1 and 2

4. Civilisation 1 and 2

5. Medieval 1 and 2 and Rome Total Wars

6. Warhammer: Dawn of War + Winter Assault and Dark Crusade

7. Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat and Dark Omen

8. Birthright

9. Dune II

10. Myth 1 and 2

Special Mention: Praetorians, K240, Historyline, Birth Of the Federation, Supremacy, Black Moon Chronicles, Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2, Warhammer: Mark of Chaos, Spellforce II and Panzers 1 and 2.

FIRST PERSON SHOOTER (includes hybrids and tactical)

1. Operation Flashpoint 1 and 2

2. Call of Duty 1,2 and 5

3. Halo

4. Crysis

5. Medal of Honour series

6. Deus Ex 1 and 2

7. No One Lives Forever 1 and 2

8. Battlefront 1 and 2

9. Star Trek Voyager Elite Force

10. Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (Fantasy FPS)

Special Mention: Delta Force


1. Frontier Elite II

2. Freespace 1 and 2

3. X-Wing series (including Alliance)

4. Wing Commander series

5. I-War 1 and 2

6. Privateer 2

7. Starlancer

8. Tachyon the Fringe

9. Star Trek Bridge Commander

10. Star Wars Rogue Squadron

ADVENTURES (pure ones not action orientated)

1. Dark Earth (has v minor action sequences)

2. Monkey Island 1,2,3 and 4

3. The Longest Journey

4. Broken Sword Series

5. Discworld 1 and 2

6. Simon the Sorceror 1 and 2

7. Grim Fandango

8. Black Mirror

9. Gabriel Knight 2

10. Blade Runner

Special Mention: Kings Quest 1-7, Phantasmagoria 1 and 2, Lure of the Temptress, Beneath a Steel Sky, Farenheit (Indigo Prophecy in USA), Dreamfall and Salammbo.

ACTION TITLES (These include any genre like RPGs and Adventure)

1. Jedi Knight, Academy & Outcast

2. Outcast (not star wars)

3. Shadow of Rome (PS2)

4. Shining Force series (Mega Drive)

5. Final Fantasy series (Specially VI and X)

6. Fable Lost Chapters

7. Chrono Trigger (Mega Drive)

8. Grandia II

9. Metal Gear Solid 3

10. Die by the Sword

Special Mention: Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine.


1. Soul Blade/Calibur 1,2 and 3 (PS)

2. Streets of Rage 1 and 2 (Megdrive)

3. Streetfighter series (SNES)

4. Mortal Kombat Series

5. Body Blows series (AMIGA)

PIRATE SIMULATOR (Stuck this category here because the games do not really belong elsewhere)

1. Sid Meiers Pirates

2. Port Royale 2

3. Sea Dogs

4. Pirates of the Carribean

5. Age of Sail series

The only genres I am not too keyed up on are Sports, Racing, Flight simulators (non Space), Acade and Puzzles.

Popular games not on my lists

Diablo, Half Life, Doom, Oblivion, Battle for Middle Earth, Command and Conquer, Warcraft 3, Everquest, Neverwinter Nights etc etc etc

WHY? RTS's mentioned are repetetive and not tactically challenging (C&C or BFME) even if they are enjoyable to play .... for a while. In some cases they were just too simple in design (WC3).FPS's were revolutionary but were bland games, with bland environments (Half Life), bland characters andunimaginative stories (Oblivion). Other RPG's either were not true RPG's which alienates purists (Diablo) or had awful single player campaigns (Neverwinter Nights 1).