GrandLion's forum posts
I have been just been looking around for an image to generate my myspace profile and I kept reading articles on the apprentice Starkiller after I saw him and then ran into some forums and articles about gamers being upset and sometimes angry that Yoda, Darth Vader, and Starkiller are going to be in the game. I would be more expectant that the reason would be the fact that it is a marketing ploy to increase sales, but no. The biggest reason gamers are upset is this reason: "They are from the future aren't they."
Not true,the characters in Star Wars are not human, and they never explain what time period the Saga is based in. So when the occuances of Vader and Yoda where occuring, the battle for the Soul Swords could be ocuring in this Galaxy.
Only a few select games have access with a silver account.
Also for people who think live should be free, well no it should not. Supporting such a well run comunity will not be free.
I have a set of silencers, and they help quite a bit. They were purchased so I can play while my parents slept, but to no avail. They cut the sound produced by about 60%, so I can actually hear the music without cranking my television to max volume.
On a side note, you must be hitting the drums very lightly, because these things do not effect my sensitivity all that much.
I put about a hundred into most, but other maybe 20 to fifty.
The most time I have put into a game would be Disgea: Hod, I am up to about 150 hours and counting. :twisted:
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