AGAIN i see changes in icons around here by the way the job of mine is keeping me away from here. on topic my mom give a lot advices everyday which i do not care to even hear and my father gives me rather unwanted advices. and yeah i will do whatever(almost) she says me to do. she is wise and nice and i am practically a bit dumb/stupid kinda person. there are lot of issues for me right now but only thing matters is having her ofcourse. i have a tendency to do as other people tell me to, but i generally do not seek advices unless on rare cases.
right now i am stuck in a game called koudelka there is a mechanical door puzzle, the faq and the board does not help either as its an old game i do not know what to do now. in my humble opinion....... puzzles are a waste of time which only stretches the game and for people like destroys the fun.
option 3. on a /note i did indeed went to her house to give her the birthday gift as on that day it was her birthday but my timing was that as i went in she was already in her room, and her father came out ot bathroom and asked what i am doing here, i started talking around for some time with him and tried to avoid any disturbance and then as he started to walk off eventually i made-up all the strength i can and said 'isn't today the birthday of you big daughter' and he said so what and i replied nothing i just remembered and he said now forget it huh, well then i take the gift back to my home which is still intact. she did not even came out once, sigh, o whatever, i am not here to talk about sad things. i am still not giving her up. i will her advice after i marry her.
i am from India and i do remember seeing a gun closer while i was a little kid where once a police man was talking to my father, as a friend ofcourse. guns are risky, i guess i will just have to use my hands against thiefs/burgulars/bad guys if i at all encounter them anywhere.
well i am serious about having something for the security of the family while on highway, i am also intending to have a bullet proof mirror on the car. now i ain't rich not have any car around, but i would not take any risk on highway even while travelling on a simple bus. i said katana because i like to use those long swords shown on games. if possible i would travel to japan and learn sword arts. i am a warrior by birth officially. in anycase the main reason to why a fill a gun can be risky is because from what i have heard about them, like in one of the case a gun was kept on one's pocket which accidently shoots him to death. i think bumps on the roads in my country might cause the gun's trigger to shoot a bullet. besides guns ain't safe for anyone, because even if i plan to use it on emergency i might kill somebody which i would not like to do. i guess a long sword might make those burgulars fear me , if at all i encounter any of them. those thiefs generally have knifes and stones and bamboo type sticks on their hands and are mostly from remoted villages around the various highways. they would easily run off by looking a gun, but then again guns are risky for some amatuer like me. i guess blank bulleted guns can be kept for scaring someone when needed but then those police stops might take a lot time for me to explain them the circumstances, and in India its risky to keep such things around, besides there are often multiple stops on the highways so explaining polices on every stop can be a trouble and who knows i might become an innocent victim if someone would be murdered during that particular time in that partiucular area. i think in countries like us and uk its almost necessary to have guns to use when needed while encoutering burgulars. i also think one might keep it for hunting innocent living beings which is bad. overall i would not even touch a gun.
not me infact i have not touch any kind of weapon as of yet, but when i get married i plan to keep something for highway safety measures. but u see i am from india and there are many police stops on highways, especially while travelling in cars sometimes police would check a car if suspicious thing would be going on, although gun can be kept via license, but i am scared of even touching a shooting like that. i do not think any gun could be kept around near one's self cause if one is not careful it might shoot a bullet. i do plan to keep something, probably a katana from japan would be nice but then those police guys would think of me as some bad guy. acutally there has been many onspot burgulary on highways to even luxury buses, so if am planning for a long trip around the country i better keep something around for the family.
and ain't sarcasm and ironism is the same?! in any case, i would not mind exposing my real name around cause i could still hide my surname and real address for safety measures and hey i am not doing anything wrong and besides visiting gamefaqs/gamespot (with different ids for other major reason) and i am not into becoming a member of other websites. i guess the internet id is still exposed anyway. i mean those number of net connection.
well 3day then u may not be a teenager, i think 50-60 should be considered a very good thing when it comes to weight. i am not 6 but closer to that but i guess it must be true that shorties might look more fat then other taller people. i am not seriously concerned about the weight though, but after i get fitter and after a bit of muscle improvement, i will consider about reducing weight.
just recently i found the easiest way to get a bit a slimmer, its exercise, and the great about is that i do not need to reduce my regular food eating amount, ofcourse the only thing to be careful about here is to not exceed the normal limit and its much better if i would reduce the amount by 10% only, other then that is not sit in lazy manner, always sit straight, this basics are wroking fine right now and i think i will get slimmer in a month or two, a little only but better then remaining the same.
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