Put simply, folks. The title says it all. This blog I expect to get quite a few responses. The least you can do is link your friends to it, let them post in it with you.
Final Fantasy XIII releases at 12:01 AM tomorrow morning on the East coast. Which means we get to see it first! I won't be playing it until tomorrow afternoon, however. I plan to go to my 9 AM class, stick around until 11, 11:30, catch a bus up to Gamestop. I figure I'll get home by 1 PM or so, have about a few hours to enjoy it. I'm sure the game will get at least an 8/10 (4/5) out of me since I haven't played a BAD Final Fantasy as of yet.
I'll be posting my review for this game in the next couple of days, followed by reviews for Valkyria Chronicles and Heavy Rain. I am also considering purchasing Resonance of Fate next week with the Dragon Age expansion. At which point, I will proceed to review those two as well.
Hope to get a few comments from you guys...here's some questions to consider:
1) PS3 or 360 Version?
2) What is your impression of the game before you play it?
3) Holding out for this or Versus?
4) What score do you think it deserves?