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I Thank Briantbo1 on PS3 for Reviving My Borderlands Experience!

Some time ago, I received an invite from this username on my PSN account. When I compared my trophy list with his, I was a little shocked. He is right now, the one on my friends list that has the highest PSN level and trophy level to date. He has played a considerable amount of titles (ranging from the most epic to the most mundane) all for the purpose of either gaining easy trophies (Terminator Salvation has only a few trophies, all of which are GOLD!) or playing hardcore experiences.

He has given me a partial reason for striving to finish some of the games I play. I am almost to level 11, compared to his level 14. I've aced several PS3 games compared to him, but I've got admiration for his devotion.

I finally had a chance to play online with him after a few months. I took Borderlands online in an attempt to give my Level 19 Soldier (Krieger) a run. What did I find waiting? A level 51 Soldier on his part. So we played together for a couple of hours, trekking around in the DLC we both had. I got a couple of trophies (one of which was critical, yet he got it because he had aced Borderlands already and had said trophy)...I gained nearly 10 levels, amassed an excess of 1 million credits, and died (a lot of times). Granted, I was an equipment hog and grabbed a considerable amount of cash that spilled out for some of the high level killings, and I felt I shouldn't have...but when you're getting docked over 50K for respawning, you tend to try and earn back what was lost whatever way you can. But overall, he was pretty cool to play with.

I plan to play another round with him sometime today this Easter Sunday if he's on. Although I've gotta find some better weaponry now, once I get a high enough level and some good equipment, I am positive that the two of us can find a very mutual partnership in game.

Because of him, I am excited about playing Borderlands again. And I hope anyone who reads this may want to invite me in for a game...or join us for our expeditions to come.