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Micro-Reviews Of My New Games! And My Wireless Is Up!

Okay, people. I got my assortment of new games for the winter. Assassin's Creed 2 will arguably be the best for last of my winter 2009 lineup, with Bioshock 2, Star Ocean 4: TLH Int'l, and White Knight Chronicles due out late winter, winter 2010...I'll post a review for AC2 when I get it next week and manage to play some of it. Otherwise, these micro-reviews I provided should exemplify the least bias I have for each of my new games, lest some of you want to use them to encourage (or discourage) buying them.

Dragon Age: Origins - 9/10

-This is KOTOR all over again! Is dice rolling present? Maybe...even on the PS3, the graphics are good (enough for me). Not on par with Mass Effect or Gears of War or even Uncharted 2, but still good. Why does it not get a perfect score? Ultimately, it's KOTOR's battle system all over again. Auto-attacking and such, skill charts...oh, wait. There's also the conversing with people that get XP, finding items to get XP...not saying that's a bad thing. I did go into this game expecting either that or a Champions of Norrath/Baldur's Gate theme to it...the game's been a lot of fun for me so far. Good for fans who love Bioware's stuff. I know I love their stuff. Least with this game, you can customize your char based on race, upbringing, class, and even their likeness (its as diverse as Mass Effect). To sum it up, it's a nice simple sit-down RPG that has a great story, dozens of hours of gameplay...just don't expect to visit the same exact areas. I'm playing as a Human noble right now...does that mean I'll visit different areas if I play as a Dwarf...or an Elf? -gasp- We'll see!

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 9.5/10

-Let's face it. With me, a 9.5/10 equals a game that is just amazing. A 10/10 is a nonexistent score with me. It defines a game that EVERYONE MUST PLAY...but every game isn't for everyone, right? For a PS3 exclusive, the game looks amazing, plays amazing, sounds amazing...has a lot of replay value, and the multiplayer (which I intend to try out soon) is the only thing that differentiates this game from the first one. What could be better than a great game you can play by yourself? One you can play with others! And there are very few games I get addicted to...this happens to be one of them.

Demon's Souls - 9/10

-HAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDD...duh. That's the best way I can put this Atlus RPG. Plays out just like a dungeon crawler, but the intention is you're forced to die a few times to learn. And hurry back to where you died to get the Souls you worked so hard to harvest or you lose them...just like if you die again and have to go back another time. However, there is a trick to it. Since you have to fight your way back to get to where you died, if you make it, you can assimilate your souls back on top of what you already earned. But if you die, just fight your way back, add that new total to what you earned. It's a potential way to earn Souls very quickly. Now, it is a beautiful game. Gameplay's pretty solid. RPG elements are great. And I'm tempted to try the multiplayer out online to see what it can do. Otherwise, this game has been selling out since its release. That's a gimme that people love it. And it is the most challenging rpg I've ever played, up there with Shin Megami Tensei. Oh, wait. It's Atlus. Haha. But yes, do not let the challenge discourage you. >_> I'm hooked on this game.

Borderlands - 9/10

-Cliffy B (of Gears of War) called thisgame the Diablo of this generation. The game's pretty addicting. Fighting wastelandish foes, doing quests, using one of 4 pre-made specialized chars tailored to your playing's cel shaded. Graphically, it's not true 3D, so a lot of people are complaining. But not me. I think the cel shaded graphics make it easier to keep an eye on the game without glimmer blinding me because they had to shine up someone's skin. Initially, I wanted to give this game an 8.75/10, but I figure once the online issues (bugs that keep a player from keeping skill points they earn online, etc) get straightened out, the game will be what it deserved to be. And then I wanted to give the game a 9/10...but there's NO GOLD TROPHIES! On the one hand, it's good since the game won't be too difficult to ace. But come on...even 1 Gold Trophy would have been nice...=) But this game's very fun, to sum it up. So it does get a 9/10 from me.

Update: As it turns out, thereARE Gold trophies present in Borderlands. An updated trophy list posted online corrected a previous error.

Oh, and good news. I was able to get my router reset and configured so only I can access it now. And to make it better, I got my PS3 set up with a wireless signal now. =D So look for me online via Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2, Borderlands, or LittleBIGPlanet soon, folks. My PSN name is XSkittleKrazyX. So, hit me up with a friend invite so we can play sometime! Until next time!