It's the start of November. My Tuesday morning basically began with a plan. I had preordered Dragon Age: Origins for the PS3 at Gamestop. Except I shelled out the extra 15 bucks for the special edition. What did I get for that extra cash, you might ask? Well, assuming I bought the game outright, I would have gotten three in-game items, a cloth map, a bonus Blu-ray disc with content on it, and a steel case with a plastic sheath for the game. An item exclusive only to the special editions as well was the Blood Dragon Armor download (least I think it was). But all version of the game nabbed you the Stone Prisoner side quest and Shale character download for free (includes extra Trophies). At least for that, it is worth it to buy the game new since the side quest is already available for 14.99 for download on the PSN. And it'd be what, 50, 55 bucks used at Gamestop?
Instead, I preordered the special edition. The ONLY special edition at my local Gamestop. Because I did that, I got two extra items exclusive only for Gamestop preorders. So for 15 bucks, I got a total of 6 in-game items, a side quest, a new character, a cloth map, a bonus Blu-Ray dvd with bonus content on it for the game, and a collectible game case. So I went home, set up my save files. I go onto the game, find out there's another side quest available for download. It's called the Warden's Keep and it cost 6.99. So, since I had money to spend, I bought it. Got another side quest and extra Trophies.
Even though I had to work that afternoon and didn't get home until 10:30 at night, I come home and find out two fun things. First, my copy of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves arrived, so I got that installed. Second, my Best Buy order for Demon's Souls, Borderlands, and inFamous had processed and are on their way. So I'm excited on that end.
What sucks for me on the side of 'issues' is my AVG Free Anti-virus program is updating itself by the end of the year to 9.0. And it's going to conflict with my Norton Internet Security. Now, I'm pondering. On the one hand, Norton works so much better, but I'd have to spend 50 bucks and update it for a 1-year license (and maybe get the anti-viral software for it too). On the other hand, AVG is free. But freeware protection is basic. It doesn't necessarily guarantee that nothing won't get onto your computer... So one thing I would like to ask is what you would do? Would it be safer to nix AVG and go for Norton and spend the 50 bucks, or remove Norton and go with AVG 9.0?
Update: By doing a little research, I've found out that Norton is a mixed-review sort of deal. Among the top protection software, Kaspersky and BitDefender are getting much better reviews from what I read on Toptenreviews. If anyone can validate those claims, it'd be a plus.