Now I had gotten a few names from some of you in an earlier blog. And I am muchas gracias (yes my spanish sucks intentionally) for the submission. But I'm still looking for more GS friends of mine with PSN accounts. Look for XSkittleKrazyX on the PSN. That's yo llamo de Playstation Network...
Also, check this out. Toys R Us began a major game sale this week. All this week, games, game accessories and such are on sale for 3 for the price of 2! Now, I had ordered a copy of Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition and it should be arriving as early as tomorrow. What I am pondering is taking it to my nearest Toys R Us, along with scrounging up 6 bucks somewhere, and trying to get a second game and a third free. X_x might not go for it, but with the idea of making money out of it, who knows? I can't get Demon's Souls since TRU doesn't carry it. But I could try to get Uncharted 2 and something else. >_< but for the karma hit, I don't have 60 bucks to spend.
My job interview with Radioshack's DM is this week though. So if that works out and I get hired...well I still can't afford to shop at TRU just yet. Heck, by the time I do make enough to afford games again, GS or eBay or Amazon will have them preowned, so...-shrug- anyone who wants to splurge this week and get say...Fallout 3 GOTY, Brutal Legend, Uncharted 2, or other earlier releases...
Please, send more PSN account names!