I finished Atlas Shrugged over the last week. The book is a masterpiece in many ways, particularly as a mechanism for the delivery of Ayn Rand's philosopy of Objectivism. This is my second read through of the book, the first time I read it was back in college in 1988, so its been a while. Revisiting it 20 some odd years later made me realize just how powerful Rand's message is, even though Ifound the plot to bemore convoluted than I remembered it to be, particularly near the end of the third act. Whatever the weaknesses and nits or picks that people may find with her underlying philosophy, the book does demand a read through by all rational people - it presents an alternative view of humanity and our role on the earth and in the universe that deserves a hearing.
I received a response from a reader on my twitter feed suggesting that I should read some of Robert Heinlein's works if I enjoyed Atlas Shrugged, and I took him up on it by picking up The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I wasn't aware that Heinlein's works had a particularly libertarian or anti-authority bend to them. I'm into the third chapter of the book, and it is quite an interesting read so far. More to come... and remember TANSTAAFL!