Having recently noticed this new "Gamespot Unions" concept - and noticing the logo - a red star with the "sickle" replaced by a gamepad, it both shocked and aggravated me. How can a "videogame" website choose a symbol of one of the most gruesome group of mass murderes in the history of the world as their lame "logo". I would say that the only thing worse might be a swastika, but given that the Soviet Union and it's cohorts were responsible for the outright murder and starvation of 20 to 30 million people, and the enslavement and torture of hundreds of millions more, I'm not sure that a swastika *would* have been worse. Given that the world has recently celebrated "VE" day's 60th anniversary, in which the Nazi armies were finally vanquished, followed by the annexation of the people's in Latvia and the surrounding regions and the eventual annexation into slavery of most of eastern europe (where my family was fortunate enough to eventually escape from) - this is just utter and complete bulls*it.
Does anybody with a moderate knowledge of history edit or manage this group of sites? What a disgrace.