I haven't had much time to go through my Games on the Go ("GOTGO") list in a while, and unfortunately there's not much to add due to a lack of time.
I haven't made it through the 8th level in Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3, which is much tougher than I thought that it would be. The challenge level in the game doesn't seem to be well distributed, with the first six levels having been quite easy, while the seventh and now the eight level are very, very tough requiring multiple attempts. I learned during a recent failed attempt at that eighth level that I can save the game during a particular mission, which should help in reducing my frustration - at least I won't have to start at the very beginning of a mission when I need to restart from a failed attempt. I'll get through this, the game is good enough to be worth the effort.
I had a chance to discover just how good my 10 year old son has become at Halo Wars last night. I gave him the option of going out to watch Star Trek at the theatre with me or to have me buy him his own copy of Halo Wars so that we could play multiplayer against each other online (there is no multiplayer option on a single console in the game). Smart kid that he is, he picked the Halo Wars option, and when we got home we plugged in our game disks and went at it mano a mano, Cutter vs. Cutter in a one-on-one battle. He kicked my butt. How is this possible? I can understand that he regularly kicks my butt at Halo 3 multiplayer, where the PixelJunkNinjas Halo song has become my anthem due to my lack of multiplayer ability - but a strategy game like Halo Wars should be right up my alley. I mean, he's ten years old! No luck. I was very impressed. I'm lookin forward to a rematch.
On the rest of the 'stuff', I just had a copy of Devil Summoner 2 Limited Edition delivered to me in the last week or so. I must have pre-ordered it from Amazon at some time and forgot about it. I've read some of the mixed reviews for the game, and I think that itdeserves a play through, but it's not coming out of its packaging until I make some progress on the many other games on the backlog. I'm still making my way through GTA: Chinatown Wars, I'm not sure if I'm going to finish the game on that platform (and considering that I've never finished a GTA game, ever that doesn't come as a surprise) but it is a fun romp. I'm waiting for the next great RPG for the DS to arrive at my front door - the DS has become my RPG system of choice over the last six months or so.