I buy games but never finish them, I buy so many games and get bored with them or see something that I think I will enjoy more and just never beat the games. So starting tonight, I will not buy another game until I finish(single player wise) these games or I find out why I stopped playing them in the first place(I'm looking at you Dead Rising).
Xbox 360:
BioShock - Bought this around boxing day for $39.99 got a little bit less than halfway through it before I stopped and went onto something else. No reason why I shouldn't beat this game.
Dead Rising - Got this last summer, I remember me having alot of fun with this game and becoming extremely frustrated once I got so far into it. I'm gonna play this for a bit and see if I have fun while doing so, because that's what I play games for fun. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile.
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - Came with my console, and since when I bought it at Futureshop it came with 4 other games and I kinda put this off. No reason why I shouldn't beat this game.
Rez HD - Bought it this week. No reason why I shouldn't beat this game.
Medal of Honor: Airborne - I was ridiculously disappointed with this game, I wanted this game to be good soo much. That being said it isn't at the top of my list to complete but I'm on the last level and it shouldn't take me too long to finish. No reason why I shouldn't beat this game.Edit, after playing this for a bit I find the gameplay to be medicore compared and CoD4, Halo 3 and Bioshock, I'm not really having fun. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile now. Never mind, was able to beat it.
Rainbow Six Vegas - Didn't get too far into this game before I couldn't stand playing it any more. I guess Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 kind of jaded me on this game. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile.
Splinter Cell Double Agent - Again, got so far into this game before getting bored/frustrated. Not really into the trial and error gameplay. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile.
Condemned: Criminal Origins - Haven't even played this yet. I'm not sure if I will like this game or not. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile.
Far Cry Instincts Predator -One of the five games to come when I bought the console. Got so far into this then started playing Gears of War and never looked back. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile.
Hitman: Blood Money - Got it for $9.99, what can I say. Don't really like the trial and error gameplay. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile.
The Outfit - One of the five games I got when I bought my console. Never really got into the gameplay, didn't feel too fleshed out. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile.
Superman Returns - Got it with free with Call of Duty 4, awful.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - I'm just gonna say it fallout right now, I could never get over the fact to swing link's sword you waggle to Wiimote. The first game I bought for my Wii and never got too far with it, maybe now I'll be able to get use to it. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile.
Scarface: The World Is Yours - I gotta say I'm loving this game right now and I'll beat this game no problem. No reason why I shouldn't beat this game.
Super Mario Galaxy - I beat Bowser, and haven't gone back yet. I had so much fun, there's no reason I can't attempt to get all 121(?) stars. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile.
*Note, I'm doing recent games, other wise I wouldn't buy any new games for about 2 more years.
Company of Heroes - Loved this game, but kept on putting it off. Now with my new graphic's card I cannot not complete this game. No reason why I shouldn't beat this game.
World in Conflict - Loving this game right now and I should be able to complete this if I can get off msn messenger. No reason why I shouldn't beat this game.
F.E.A.R. - Never got into this game considering my graphic's could barely run it, but now that I got a new one I have to go back and give this game a shot. I'll throw this one into the maybe pile.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - I believe I got onto case three before I just stopped playing. Since I have no other portable games to beat, I could beat this game on a long road trip.
Ok, so here's the games that I MUST beat:
BioShock (Done)
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Rez HD(Done as I'm gonna get)
Medal of Honor: Airbourne(Done)
Scarface: The World Is Yours
Company of Heroes (Done)
World in Conflict(Done)
I will not buy another game until I can beat ATLEAST these 8 games.
Any of you have this problem?
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