Age of conan is brutal. Even running on a GeForce 8800GT 640mb, 2gb Ram, Quad core E6600 Gaming rig, the highest FPS i get is 35..... on MEDIUM settings. I'm seriously let down by this. My graphics card, which has run so many games on so many high settings, fails to run an MMO on high, with more than 18FPS? I feel cheated.
Half Life is one of, if not THE deepest first person shooter you'll ever play. It's story evolves to the point of mythos (through its sequels and alternate storyline expansions) Many people, including IDIOTS like John Carmack, say that story is not important in a game. Half Life manages to prove people like these wrong. HL and HL2 both have revolutionary gameplay and graphics for their time, but it is the games complex, intellectual and mind bending and conspiratory story line that keeps me addicted and in love with the series.
1.) Guild Wars Great MMORPG - free and fast fun 2.) Counter Strike : Source Need I explain? A classicly improved FPS that entertains any fan of any Genre 3.) Halo The ultimate FPS classic. Great storyline, and graphics that still look quite amazing today. 4.) TES 4 : Oblivion Ah, sweet blissful oblivion. 5.) World of Warcraft A great (fantastic!) MMO, but it's addictive gameplay puts this on NO. 5.
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