I am not surprised the slightest with an article like this coming from a writer of this site. I actually rarely come to this site anymore for reasons like this article. The editors of this site are 100% biased on any article they ever write and are completely close minded to every topic they speak about. God forbid something new and original comes out and people are excited for new technology. It seems to me that this society completely bashes everyone and everything that steps out of the lines of the expected. On top of that, those same people have to constantly "speak their minds" as if their opinions are fact. Seeing garbage like this is upsetting and I truly miss the days where video games and anything about video games were just about fun and not like what someone else had mentioned before in the comments in where they said they had enough of this "console war media driven" bull. Well, now that I rambled enough I have two last comments to say to the so called writer of this article: GET OVER IT. GET OVER YOURSELF.
Greatfox424's comments