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GreenLion1993 Blog

'ello strangers!

Hey everyone, I'm back (again!!!)

I guess it's good to be back here. It'll be good to see all your faces again. So, a big hello to everyone! Hey up!

Missed me? Or can't you even remember who I am?

Sound Of Drums/TV.coms Very Own Fan Fic Series/End Of Doctor Who Series 3 :(

Sound Of Drums, yes, thats the name of last weeks Doctor Who but this is different...

As you may have read i'm running TV.coms DW Fan Fic Series, The Curse Of The Timelords, now there's a co-running forum, sort of, which will air the series a day before it's aired on

Which will be 8th September if you were wondering! - Please join and fill it with your usefull Doctor Who ramblings!

So that's topic one and two done...

Series Three ends tonight! :( And from what i've seen in the Totally clip... :O it looks awsome!

So bring on LOTT!

Top 5's (part 3)

Doctor Who Series 1

Okay, well we've had 5 and 4, now i'll add 3:

#5 The Unqiuet Dead

#4 Dalek

#3 Rose

This was the episode that made me love Doctor Who the way I do, it was fantastically written and made me want more and more and more, I actually remember the end of the episode when I blurted out: "That was no way 45 minutes" The time seemed to fly by... it was fantastic! The episode is fast pased, and it introduced me to Rose, and ofcourse Doc #9, favourite quote from this episode:

Jackie: There's Finch's. You could try them. They've always got jobs.
Rose: Oh, great. The butchers.




Top 5's (part 2)

Doctor Who Series 1

Yesterday I started my count down of my favourite 5 episodes in Doctor Who S1...

5# The Unquiet Dead

4# Dalek

The Doctor and Rose come face to face with the last surviving Dalek (or so they thought) Set in 2012 in a massive underground Alien Museum run by Henry Van Statten, a scary episode, made scarier by "EL-EV-ATE!" The Daleks only weakness was conquered! AHH! Scary eh! My favourite quote is as follows:

Dalek: (to the Doctor) What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?

Tommorow for Number 3 :D

Time For The Top 5's

Doctor Who!

Oh yes it's me again... I'm back... again... This time I will actually stay here.

So now i'm going to take up a new task...

I am going to count down my Top 5 favourite episodes from Series 1, Series 2, ****c Series then Torchwood Series 1, also after Series three has finished i'll do that... Then ofcourse i'll do my Top 10 EVER episodes of Doctor Who/Torchwood/****c.

 So let's get this show underway!

Series 1

Firstly in at number 5 it's The Unquiet Dead the first chilling episode of the new series. It sent shivers down everyone's spine everywhere. Set in Victorian Wales, Cardiff, on Christmas Eve The Doctor and Rose came face to face with the likes of The Gelth and Charles Dickens, my favourite quote from this episode was:

The Doctor: (as he and Rose are trapped by The Gelth) I saw the fall of Troy. World War Five. I pushed boxes at the Boston Tea Party. Now I'm going to die in a dungeon. In Cardiff!

 It is a truly scary and fantastic episode :D


Pen To Paper


Hello, I'm here to inform you about one fantastic new site, It's called Pen To Paper. It's for anyone who enjoys writting, wether it be song, a book or even a script for a TV series. This site is ran by myself and 2 other fantastic ladies. It's a warm welcoming forum that will help you with writting, or maybe you'll help us!

You can acsess the site here:

It will accept all of your writting, and if you're even planning, or have started a book you can have your very own section. So join today!

I am back

I'd gone for a while, just hadn't been on in a while, been in hospital... the usual!


 Well anyway, i'm back... I'll get on with posting, nice to see all of you again I suspect!

1 Week and 6 Days, So Let's Get Some Doctor Who Choices!

Now, dunno why but wont let me add pictures or links... Terribly Terribly irritating...

But it's less than 2 weeks now till the start of the third series of DOCTOR WHO! Now i'm extremely excited, so here are some cchoices... just to keep us amused!


Daleks: A Dalek is a grotesque mutated organism integrated with a tank-like mechanical casing. The resulting creatures are a pitiless race bent on universal conquest and domination. They are also, collectively, the greatest alien adversaries of the Time Lord known as the Doctor. Their most infamous catchphrase is "EX-TER-MI-NATE!", with each syllable individually screeched in a frantic electronic voice

Cybermen: ybermen were originally a wholly organic species of humanoids originating on Earth's twin planet Mondas that began to implant more and more artificial parts into their bodies. This led to the race becoming coldly logical and calculating, with emotions usually only shown when naked aggression was called for.

Up Another Level

Hey you guys! I'm now Level 8! *Big cheesey grin*

And i'm thinking of running some Doctor Who Choices for the countdown to Doctor Who

Attempt 2... In At Number 8

Okay, i'm hoping that the glitch has been fixed so i can post/edit blogs!

In at number 10: Prehistoric Park

In at number 9: 8 Out of 10 Cats

In at number 8 is....


Heroes is a serial saga about people all over the world discovering that they have superpowers and trying to deal with how this change affects their lives.

It's FAN-Tastic, i'm addicted, yes I am, I found a site where I can watch it online, and now i'm up to date with the Americans, just can't wait for it to come back, April 23rd here I come!