For the RAM, have a dual channel 2 x 4GB set instead of a single 8 GB. For the GPU get a 760 with 2 GB for cheaper or a 770 with 2 GB for around the same price. It really doesn't make sense to get that extra VRAM when 1080p monitors won't use it and you should get a R9 290 or a 780 at the minimum if you plan to play on a 1440p monitor instead anyway. The rest looks fine to me.
This,though why get such a pricey wifi adapter. I am very ignorant when it comes to these things but I know people who have cheap $20-ish dollar ones and are quite happy with them (some even use wifi dongles). I use one that came with my Asus mobo and it works perfectly fine. I dont know your situation but that sounds like some cash to put towards a GPU. If you use consoles with wifi with no problems why spend $100 on an adapter
Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I've never really had serious connectivity problems and I don't plan on this thing ever leaving my living room, so you're probably right about getting something more sensible.
I would maybe recommend putting that cash towards a GTX 770 2GB unless you would prefer to put it towards something else.
I recommended Gigabyte Windforce, EVGA w/ ACX Cooler, and Asus DirectCU II probably go with one with best price. If you want I can help you find a cheap and good wifi adapter around $20 dollars
Thanks for the recommendations, I'm going to go with the EVGA, actually. And I found a cheaper adapter, I think I'm almost set! Dude, thanks a lot for your help!
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