Assuming that's true, what does that have to do with today? The fact is that Israel has accreted land despite treaties and international law. It doesn't want peace, it wants domination. It's manifest destiny in the middle east.
Any talk of this conflict without mentioning Israel's constant settlement policy, its occupation of Palestinian land, it's refusal to negotiate in good faith, is meaningless. From a justice standpoint, it is not two sided or equal. Israel is wrong. Yitzhak Rabin knew it and so should you.
Just read the director/scenario writer's interview in October's Nintendo Power and he seems like a very interesting guy. I'm looking forward to experiencing his latest creation.
I still subscribe to the magazine and I'm very sad to hear that it will soon be gone. I have been camping for the last week and had not heard the news until now. Seeing this mag in my mailbox each month was always exciting for me. This sucks.
I agree that focusing on where the DLC comes from is pointless, and that it's the continued expense beyond the purchase price, and perhaps the purchase price itself, that should frustrate gamers. However, it's hard for me to say what a fair price would be. Personally, I will purchase a game for $60, SNES games were at least that much in the early 90's, but I expect a complete experience. I like the idea that I can have DLC that reinvigorates the game months after I've purchased and played it to death. So I think that DLC can be a good thing, but unfortunately it is being abused. I don't know how to get control of it, or if gamers can reach a consensus about what is fair and unfair. I won't buy a half assed game or DLC that is frivolous, that's my position.
Greggor's comments