I haven't blog in a while so it finally about time I start a new one.
First of all, I got back into Warhawk, mostly because of the trophies they added. I wasn't even attempting to unlock trophies and I unlock about 4 of them. lol:P
Second of all, (see how well organized I am :lol:,) I started playing brawls nights again. Basically me and cousin head to a friend's house and we play SSBB, they're really fun, only problem 4 can play at a time and there is 5 of us. We normally do them on Fridays.
Thirdly, I can't figued out if I should get Fallout 3, Resistance 2, or Farcry 2. I definitely will be getting End War, not that many RTS are release on the PS3. Someone help me out with my decision, just pretend this is a Life or death situation and one wrong move you'll die the most painful death. LOL :P:D Man am I good at motivating people, My only flaw I can't spell.
*Publishes Blog and leaves to look at himself in the mirror*