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Gribb85 Blog

Ghostbusters: A PS3 timed exclusive in Europe

Okay so as pre-release deals go, this one seems to be a little shady. Sony have acquired timed exclusivity for the Pal release of Ghostbusters: The Video Game, an Atari published game. What this effectively means is that the Sony platforms will expect the game to be released on the original release date of 19/06 but on the 360, DS, PC it will be out later in the year.

Obviously this kind of agreement between Atari and Sony doesn't come for free, and is benificial for both companys staggering the release date so that is spikes nicely for a sales quarter boost. This agreement co-insides nicely with the BluRay release of Ghostbusters worldwide on the 19/06. But is the extra money really worth risking the wrath of all 360 gamers in Europe? Especially when the rest of the world will be enjoying the next chapter in the Ghostbusters universe on whatever platform they wish, while us lucky, lucky people get to eat a nice piece of Synergy pie. Thanks Sony!

Full post can be found on Gaming Goodness

Gaming Goodness Update

Hey guys, just a quick update to make you aware of some content on my own blog, Gaming Goodness

This week we have reaction to Gamespot's interview with Batman visionary Paul Dini, coverage of Guild Wars 5 year anniversary, insights into Virtual On, and some excellent Left 4 Dead modifications. If you are a fan of Randy Savage or Pee-wee Herman (lets face it who isn't), this week is definitely worth a look.

Speaking of Left 4 Dead, me and my buddies online are absolutely getting our butts handed too us by the A.I. We can only last a max of four minutes on the lighthouse level, it would be funny if it wasn't so embarressing. Thank god there is a new Burnout update to get our teeth into this week, cops and robbers offers something completely different to the previous game types and crucially its really fun.

New blog double at Gaming Goodness

Just wanted to give a quick summary of whats new at Gaming Goodness. We have a new feature about Bioshock 2: A Sequel you don't need to worry about, and an editorial about my own personal excitement surrounding Dynasty Warriors:Gundam 2. Absolutely worth a look if you ask me, trying to get as many hits in one day, help a British gentlemen out would you?

Speaking of British Gentlemen Henry Hatsworth is the best puzzle merger since Puzzle Quest, its the best game I have played on the DS for an absolute age.

Onlive - Will you will never need a console or PC again?

The GDC always throws up the odd surprise but todays accouncement could be perhaps the biggest the event has ever had, Onlive and the potential of stream based gaming.It is being firstdemo-ed at this years GDC, Onlive represents a type of gaming revolutionwhere players would never need hardware upgrades or most devestatingly to purchase new consoles ever again.

Brainchild of Mike McGarvey (of WebTV and Eidos fame), the service can stream games to a desktop, entry level laptop and even a TV as all the calculations and gaming grunt are allbeing performed server side - by what could only be described as one behemoth of a gaming setup. All gamers have to dois purchase a device which records inputs and sends a signal to the server in Gaming HQ where the individual in turnrecieves a video of what he has just performed in game. As long as individuals have network speeds of 1.5mb and over the service is claimed to be stable and can operate at tolerable latency speeds (under 75ms)which is a must any competitive online games.

Obviously the level of scepticism is through the roof at the moment which can only be matched by the amount of excitement surrounding this device, which could be out as early as this winter. Games from EA, Take-Two, Ubisoft, Epic, Atari, Codemasters, Warner Bros. and Eidos will be avaliable on the service which include titles such as Crysis, Grand Theft Auto 4 and Burnout Paradise. Nothing has been confirmed regarding pricing for both the necessary hardware and online game service with the elimation of piracy from the service I would think many publishers would be suprisingly mercyiful with their pricing structure.

If - and its a big if- Onlive does become even an understated sucess it sends a huge message to everyone involved in the sale of games and hardware, not so much the publishers but the manufacturers and retailers who have made interactive software central to their business model. Most publishers view the online distribution model as benificial to the traditional methods of physical media and retail and the if adoption rates of Onlive were high enough it wouldn't be too long before it become the primary method of distrubution. But there is also other factors which Onlive would be solved, theold conundrum of second hand games being sold at retail would also go away, as well as the ever present problemof piracy which causes the industry to losemillions (perhaps billions?) each year. Let alone the consumer implications with most gamers already using 2-5mb setups already in their homeswhich arealsogetting pretty sick of shelling out on new hardware every three to four years on new consoles.

Its all very pie in the sky at the moment isn't it folks, and I have to admit perhaps my own excitement for this new device has got the best of me but the implications(you have to admit) are pretty radical for the industry even if its a moderate sucess. But perhaps what will be the most interesting for us gamers is tosee how Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo react to this news will they acknowledge its existance or merely put their PR into overdrive and talk about what a inferior product the Onlive may be on release. Who knows at this point but I suppose whatever happens it sure will be interesting over the coming weeks and months, especially with E3 round the corner.

Fear 2 and its ground breaking contribution to FPS's

The end to Fear 2 is something to talk about but unfortunately a few of you will still be playing the game, so we'll have to leave that to another time. But as ground breaking as the ending is, its nothing compared to the review thats now up on, which you all can find here by an incredibly dashing fellow. Its a shame because until two thirds of the way through the game it is a tepid experience with very little in the way of scares or interesting events.

Fear 2 is an great example of a game which you need to play all the way through because until you reach a certain point, you'll never know whats coming. More importantly if your reviewing this title it would PM or more effectively just google Fear 2 ending and watch a youtube cutscene.

Its a keeper..

10 things Dead Rising Needs:

So the super viral video released from Capcom on February 6th either through a leak or some clever marketing has hit the Internet and Capcom have confirmed the existence of a sequel to the 2006's (wow its old) Xbox exclusive title. But with the somewhat odd history of Dead Rising 2 with the Blue Castle development rumours being discussed months ago and the guarantee that the title is set in a Vegas-esque environment, here is what needs to be in the sequel:

Same Save System: Dead Risings save system was broken, mean and absolutely hated the player with a detestable amount of evil, and that made it awesome. Survival games shouldn't be accommodating, they should be ballsy hate-fests encouraging the player to make mad dashes through legions of zombies with little to no health in a vein hope of reaching the games few save points. If you can easily save a point of progress you immediately lose the tension of which a horror game thrives on, if nothing else if there should be no quick save option at the very least.

Free play mode: On completion of Dead Rising a mode unlocked which was effectively a free play option but restricted with diminishing health which led player character Frank West to scoff down food every couple of minutes in order to sustain himself. This is NOT a free play mode! Free play modes are when you can mess around with the games engine within a somewhat indestructible context, not being even more vulnerable than the story mode made you.

Zombie Strippers: Judging by the press release assets it seems as though these are definitely in, but what this game is crying out for is multiple strippers. Vegas is known for all things seedy and wrong so every spectrum of the adult entertainment sector needs to be represented- midget, S&M, male, female, shemale, black, white, red, brown, blue. Maybe even some of the creepy guys that come out after eight to hand out prostitute catalogues to everyone that passes by, pretty sure Vegas has though TM'ed though.

More Capcom Stuff: We all love Megaman but you know what western audiences love more, every other Capcom franchise. It would be amazing to see some Resident Evil paraphernalia, like an Umbrella Corporation t-shirt or a Lost Planet Mech which you could decimate entire populations of Zombies in one of Vegas' many car parks.

Multiple Casinos and their Respective theme parks: Vegas is the perfect setting for a Dead Rising sequel, not only in subject matter but also in the location and the over abundance of source material which Blue castle can source locales from. Imagine venturing to the top of Stratosphere and being able to zoom in on the carnage down below with your camera. Alternatively imagine stumbling into the Caesar's Palace Arena and having to fight a Zombie boxer and his support crew in the ring, or maybe being able to punch Carot Top in the face at the Luxor stage, or just fend off armies of strippers from the strips multiple strip joints. Vegas also has a ton of rides as well, all of which would be absolutely fantastic in a game, here's hoping New York New York gets its coaster in there. Obviously it would be impossible to get any permission to be able to use all these designs directly as I'm sure the owners of all these trademarks wouldn't be impressed with their intellectual property being savaged by the Zombie horde. But Capcom haven't shyed away from direct emulation before and paying homage to Vegas' best would be incredible.

Less Load times: The first Dead Rising was effectively a launch title, only being released a few months after the 360 was launched so itwasn't optimised to maximise the hardware. As a result the load times between sections of the mall were terribly often stopping for a minute or breaking up the action in a jarring way which often broke the experience. Dead Rising 2 will be multi-platform and will be fully utilised to use all of this generations power, so hopefully the new areas will be without significant load times, more Zombies and bigger areas.

Uploadable Pictures and Video: The first games protagonist was a photo journalist, why can't the second game have the same motif but compliment it with Video. Watching friends play Dead Rising is almost have as much fun as playing it, so including the option to upload and watch other peoples video from your console would be an excellent addition.

More Social Commentary: Zombie media is built for social commentary usually concerning rampant consumerism and the evils of modern life. The first Dead Rising was perfect for this as it was set in a mall - a la Dawn of the Dead. But what better way to match this capitalist setting than the sequel being based in Vegas, the worlds centre for the infamous 'money talks' sensibility. Any sort of social commentary in games is rare and it was Dead Rising 2 should honour its Zombie lineage by stuffing it full with complicated survivors and boss characters dripping with political satire.

Frank West: I really like Frank West- he was funny, bulky and he leant the original Dead Rising a gravitas and human side which complimented the players experience completely. But judging from the latest screen shots the new protagonist is some blond dude with a love of motorcycle jackets and guitars. Its rare to judge anything important with press shots by the lack of Mr West is a bit disappointing, lets all hope he is a support character or a grizzled survivor who has gone through it all before.

Impossible Achievements/Trophy's: Dead Rising was known for its absolutely mental achievements! Many friends of mine have risked bricking their already temperamental 360's in pursuit of the 7 day survival achievement, which needed the 360 to be left on for over 24 hours and gamers had to keep playing the game throughout that time. All this effort and potential money wasted through overheating consoles just for 20 gamer points. Capcom is crazy they make games for absolutely die hard fans, its time to push those fans even further.

N.B: You can check out this post at Gaming Goodness as well

Crayon Physics Deluxe Review

It's different.

If you would like a longer review, you can find it at a lovely site known as Citizengame, or for those lazy browsers, you can just click here. As always all and any comments are welcome, hope you give it a read :D.

So many games so little time...

Every January a very strange thing happens, people who are usually calm and knowledgable about games suddenly shed their money very quickly on the first sign of a sale sticker. So instead of perhaps saving your valuable earnings for the JUMBO gaming month that will be Febuary - with Street Fighter and Resistance, you instead spend the cash on Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer for £8 on the 360. Did I say you? Sorry I meant me, but for every stinker I buy, I seem to be finding a bargain like Metriod Prime 3 on the Wii for £10.

You win some and you lose some - well mostly lose.

Happy New Year Gamespot!

Happy New Year Gamespot, and in true new years style I have been hitting the sales! It is also at this point I'd like to remind everyone that I am actually very masculine - ahem. Anyway, there is some real bargains out there, for example Alone in the Dark (Collectors edition) for £7 from and the awesome Bangai-o-Spirits DS for just over £10 on various websites, my DS game of the year. Its a time to play some games that you would never ever usually buy and for low, low prices, now if only I had some time to play them..

Why would anyone buy a Dreamcast - now?

Lord knows why but I have an inescapable urge to buy a Dreamcast with Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Crazy Taxi. It may sound insane, especially when you see the prices on ebay but when I think about holding the nearly half-a-decade old plastic in my hand, I can't help but get excited. Having never played the console before I can't explain the needless nostalgia for it, worth a punt for £30 though right?