What was meant to be a friggin christmas present took its time. But there were literally no wiis in the country over here. It was actually a pleasant surprise since i kept getting told it was getting delayed, first tehy said feb, then april then may then june. Hang on it still is april.
I was there thinking it would be here in june, still waiting months for it, then i came home today to be told its here. Yay!!!! lol. Better late than never eh?
If you have been playing attension to my now playing you will notice last monday I put LoZ: TP on it for gamecube. That's cos my friend, being a generous person lent it to me aswell as giving me his old mini fridge, don't ask why. So the wii arrives after i'm over 10 hours into the gamecube version, and of course my wii came with twillight princess aswell... So I have both versions... Good or bad? I don't know.
I know it is months after release and the whole wii fad has died down, but i've got mine now, hooray, and i'm one of the sad people to have both zelda versions... >_>