Grim_Wolf88 Blog
Long time no see
by Grim_Wolf88 on Comments
Well hopefully I haven't been gone so long that I've been forgotten because then that would be just sad.
Um, I've starting playing Fable 2 and that is loads of fun so far and I've also played through GoW 2 so I should probably get a review up for that. Been playing alot of Company of Heroes lately and doing school stuff and what not so that's where I've been.
I tried to get in on the DoW 2 beta available from Steam but my computer is dumb and won't let me play it.I'll just have to wait for the game to come out. I'm also really excited for FEAR 2 and Empire: Total War to come out. I'm going to feel bad for my PC because these games are just gonna kill it.
So hopefully I'll be active more and I'll be checking up on things I missed.Some things and what not.
by Grim_Wolf88 on Comments
First off, I've finally beaten Assassin's Creed and I've posted up my review. Check that out when you have the time.
Got another game today and it's called Two Worlds. Yeah, I know it got bad reviews and the likes but I thought I'd give it a go anyhow. I also picked up CoD: WaW. Not for me though, not yet. I was supposed to get two copies actually because me and my friend were going to play online but there was only one left so I'm going to have to wait till Christmas for mine as I'm not one to be selfish. So he'll have a month of practice on me. I'm also going to work on playing Mass Effect and will hopefully have that reviewed in a week or two. Starting to play Guild Wars again too. I missed that game. Though leveling up again is going to be a pain.
Not much else I guess as I'm just kind of tired. Anyhow check out my review and tell me what you think.
Got my Christmas Shopping done.
by Grim_Wolf88 on Comments
I did really... Spent five-hundred dollars in twenty minutes doing it. I'll tell you what I got when it gets here. Don't want to ruin the suprise. ;)
Um, I've decided to become dead set on becoming a high ladder player on Company of Heroes. It's one of my favorite games ever and I love the community and everything. Just wantto become a better player. Currently I'm at level six... Need four more till I'm up there with the majority of the better players. Only a few more wins though and I'll get it. About ten or so. Perhaps.
Fallout 2 is so awesome. Messed up though and had to restart but the game is so great I didn't mind. It's just so damn awesome.Â
I'll be writing a review for Medievil 2:TW soon along with AC and ME. Yeah, I'm a year or more late but whatever. Someone will still care about my opinion.
I have alot more free time than I used to which is good and I can get more involved in my hobbies. Thanks for reading and goodnight.Â
Hello again
by Grim_Wolf88 on Comments
Got some stuff to talk about again. Maybe justa quick update.
Barely had any time lately to myself but strangely enough I'm moving along in accomplishing my goal of beating all the games in my library. This also means I'll have some new reviews coming soon hopefully. Just in time too as the new wave of games are not too far away. I plan on getting Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, all the Halo's after 1[never like leaving a series unfinished even if it is mediocre at best., as well as Gears 2 and Fable 2.
Also going to be getting a whole load of CD's hopefully. Music is my second love in life after games. I got that bass I mentioned in that last blog of mine. It's pretty decent and I'm waiting for my friend to paint it the way I want it. Might be in a band soon too.
Don't know if I'll get another blog up by the time Halloween comes around so I'll just say it now, have a nice holiday and goodnight.
Whoa Friday...
by Grim_Wolf88 on Comments
How you guys doing? Fine? Nice nice. Well I get more days off work now due to more employess which translates into more game time. Fallout 2 is what I've been working on recently along with a myriad of other great games that I still need to play. Only trouble I've had with compatibiliy is a small install error that you can only fix by busting out with a manual install and writing a script for a pathing error. Fixed it though and it works fine.
I'm getting into other things as well. I'm kind of an artist and I'm really coming into that right now. I've been writing, drawing, and painting quite a bit and this is starting to consume my time. Overall, I'm improving greatly and I think I could make a career out of it if I persue it. Though I'm saving up for a Bass Guitar and if I can squeeze my way into music I'll do that.
Speaking of music I'm anticipating two new CD's. First one is Hate Culture, a solo album, by William Control, the lead from Aiden. The second one is Intimacy by Bloc Party, a great british punk group. I'm gonna use the borthday money I got from random people to buy those.
Have a good night folks.
Oh boy is this great.
by Grim_Wolf88 on Comments
Seriously? Another month? This blog seemed to be almost a weekly thing at first. Anyways I'm gonna just go over what I've been up to as of late.
I'm getting Fallout 1&2 for my birthday whch happens to be this Saturday. Though the game was ordered late so I will get it late. Have to dig up the fixes off the net to make them compatible with Windows Xp though.
Finally got time to get some things done for once. Ranked up on Company of Heroes multi-player, played like twelve hours of Europa Universallis 3 this week, did a few quests in Baldur's Gate and The Witcher, and am looking to finish replaying Morrowind and replay Oblivion. However I still need to beat Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect. I'm also playing through Bioshock and Condemmed: Criminal Origins and must say both games are underwhelming. It's alright however as I'm borrowing them.
So many games I want to get coming up. Dead Space, Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Left 4 Dead, Vampyre Story, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, F.E.A.R. 2 andCoD:WaW. I also need to get a few classics like Grim Fandango, Baldur's Gate 1, TES Daggerfall, and a few others.
Well at least I'm getting stuff done now I guess.
What of late?
by Grim_Wolf88 on Comments
Hello again guys. So I guess I'll just provide information about my resent exploits nad crazy antics.
I went to see Tropic Thunder recently. One of the best comedies I've seen in a while. My only gripe is that Robert Downey Jr. basically carried the whole film. Not that I don't think he's a good actor or anything but it's not good when a film becomes seemingly dependent on one guy. The humor is subjective and for some it does raise isssues as it can be taken quite offensively. I thought it was bloody great though.
Trying to play the Witcher and Company of Heroes in my time off. Working well but I still need to beat Starcraft and Baldur's Gate 2 as well.
Been a while
by Grim_Wolf88 on Comments
Once again I've been absent for the longest time. Really? Just a few weeks. This holiday line-up doesn't look all that great and for the first time in years I'm going to be looking for something else under the tree than games. I really am dissapointed at the lack of quality titles coming out right now especially on the PC.
Can't say I've been feeling all that great of late. Things have been rather bumpy and I'm in a place of discontent and stress in my life which further cuts into my gaming which blows. Instead I've been venting through my artwork. I find it funny though that the source of my woes is the very creature I must be in company of. How I hate her, how I love her.
Coming really close to being a member here on this site for almost two years. Just three more months and that will be accomplished. Doesn't mean much though as I've only really been active since the spring of this year.
Hopefully I'll update this more often and stop neglecting my other activities.
Hello guys.
by Grim_Wolf88 on Comments
Been like two weeks since I've left. I actually got back from my trip last Saturday but I've just been busy with work and school. Saw my grandparents which was nice.
Anyways, I think this new skin, splash, whatever, is rather confusing. I mean it just slapped me in the face and said go away. I'm used to it now though. Why'd they think it had to be flashier though?
Green Tea is awesome stuff. Tea in general is awesome. It happens to be one of my favorite drinks. See Jack run. Ru, Run, Run. She Jane jump. Jump, Jump, Jump.
Enough of that though. It looks like Too Human bombed by GS standards. Though I don't like the new lineup of reviewers so I don't care much about it anyways. Just something I took note of.
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