Seriously? Another month? This blog seemed to be almost a weekly thing at first. Anyways I'm gonna just go over what I've been up to as of late.
I'm getting Fallout 1&2 for my birthday whch happens to be this Saturday. Though the game was ordered late so I will get it late. Have to dig up the fixes off the net to make them compatible with Windows Xp though.
Finally got time to get some things done for once. Ranked up on Company of Heroes multi-player, played like twelve hours of Europa Universallis 3 this week, did a few quests in Baldur's Gate and The Witcher, and am looking to finish replaying Morrowind and replay Oblivion. However I still need to beat Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect. I'm also playing through Bioshock and Condemmed: Criminal Origins and must say both games are underwhelming. It's alright however as I'm borrowing them.
So many games I want to get coming up. Dead Space, Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Left 4 Dead, Vampyre Story, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, F.E.A.R. 2 andCoD:WaW. I also need to get a few classics like Grim Fandango, Baldur's Gate 1, TES Daggerfall, and a few others.
Well at least I'm getting stuff done now I guess.