Looks pretty good, nothing completely revolutionary, but that's not always a bad thing. However, if it wants to beat the 3DS, it's going to need a better lineup of games. Don't get me wrong, Uncharted, Mod Racers, and LBP seem to be amazing games that I am infinitely jealous over (I own a Wii, 3DS, 360, and Gaming Computer, sadly no Playstations, upgraded my graphics card instead of getting one :P). That being said, the 3DS's lineup is absolutely scary for Sony right now. Mario Kart, Luigi's Mansion, OoT, Kid Icarus, Super Smash Bros, and many others just from the 1st party with 3rd party support such as MGS and Street Fighter. The Vita CAN beat the 3DS in the eyes of the core market, but it needs another E3 to really get the lineup to something that can stand up to the behemoth of the 3DS lineup.
Quite interesting that this should come up, seeing as I had had an argument with a less then open minded friend about storytelling in video games. Games such as The World Ends with You (the game I used as an example in my argument), Fire Emblem, Metriod Prime, Fallout, and Warcraft prove that games can deliver a story that is just as good, if not better, then other forms of story telling. Sure, its in its infancy, but there is a lot of room to grow. I think for those still hesitant to call video games a story telling platform, this quote from the thing they are bashing sums it up: "The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they’ll go."
Marcopolo, I'm not trying to start an argument, however, you can't mention that Resistance 2 was nominated best shooter without saying that the winner of said category was Left 4 Dead, which the last time I checked, was not on the PS3. However, I will give you the rest of your post, except Guitar Hero, which will also be on the 360. Also, I have a friend that is the biggest Sony fanboy ever, bought a PS3 at launch, sold it. Guess what he just bought? Both a PS3 AND a 360. The PS3 had a slow start, but its coming back, thats for sure.
They took one bad shot of Mario for the Galaxy pic alright. This game looks better then Crysis and any other game. I don't look and th epolygon count: the art is simply the best in a video game ever.
Can't wait. For all you saying that "Oh, its just stadium" I got news for you. Stadium kicked Collesuem's butt. This is going to be a very good game, I want to own the noobzers with my awesome Pokemon in 3D!
Seeing how my computer broke and I have to order another computer, I really hope Vista is good, cause if its not... lets just say I will NOT be very happy.
Go Brawl! I'm a bit surprised Corruption didn't make the list, I personally want Corruption a bit more then Galaxy. How could they foreget Diamond/Peral and Animal Crossing Wii?
Grodus5's comments