I can vouch for the online being much better in this game than past Guitar Hero games. The above poster is correct however. If you are on the fence about purchasing it, wait a bit and see if the price drops, then you can't go wrong.
I have it, and I also enjoy it very much. This is coming from a Rock Band person as well... But I admit that I would prefer it if it was DLC rather than a whole new game. That being said, the guitar is very fun, and not too difficult yet still feels like you accomplished something after you nail that solo. I would only purchase if you really like Metallica, after you complete everything, its still the same songs with the only DLC for it being Death Magnetic. If you like Metallica, I don't see why not.
yeah it was pretty horrible. I also hate the fact that to add ammo to the gun you have to go to the ammo box and select combine and combine it with the gun. Stupid.
I tried to like it i really did. But this game is a complete dissaster
Holding down the aim button and hitting the run button is reload without entering the quick menu.
Loved the demo, preordered CE long ago without and doubts that it would be an amazing game and the demo did not let me down. I have played all previous RE games and while I do miss the old style of play I believe this direction will apply to more people thus I do not believe Capcom will switch their path anytime soon. Only thing worth changing in my eyes is the button layout. I dont know why, but Type A controls are labeled as "RE4" but this is far from what I would call RE4 controls. On the GCN controller, B was run and A while holding down Rtrigger was shoot... It seems to be the opposite way here, I believe that X should be action/shoot and square should be run. Everything else was spot on.
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