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Don't buy a Razor Lachesis mouse.

So anyway I was up at best buy awhile back, and I picked up a rather expensive mouse. It was roughly $85 "Razor Lachesis" it was called, I'd never heard of it but I figured I'd give it a try. Boy what a mistake that was, I swear this mouse is a drug addict with a horrible sense of humor.

Randomly whenever you try to click things with this mouse it will throw your pointer halfway across the screen into the corner. And it doesn't do this somewhat slow, no its like second you're trying to click on a desktop shortcut and the next you're wondering where the heck your pointer went.

It's like the mouse has a mind of its own "Ohh...trying to click on something are we...*yoink!*", not only that but this mouse actually fights you when you try to reposition it. It apparently wants the pointer to stay in that corner very badly.

Apparently this is a fairly common problem too, I looked around and theres a few "supposed" fixes for it. One of them is to upgrade the firmware...yeah that didn't work. Another is because of the high PPI (4000 or so) of the mouse regular mousepads and tabletops don't take well to it, or vice versa.

Which I think is complete garbage, regardless apparently I paid $85 for a expensive paperweight that loves to make the users life miserable. The only way this mouse could get any more awesome from an a-hole standpoint. Is if it had a compartment that holds a rabid grizzly bear, and whenever you click something it lets it out to maul you.

In short, don't buy a Razor Lachesis mouse...unless you're a masochist.