I can see Snake. I can see his face. I can see his lips moving.
But his voice isn't coming out.
I'm still holding out for another Kojima trolling or an announcement that Solid is also in the game via Hayter.
The voice is as iconic as the mullet in my mind. It's my loss but if Hayter really has been shit-canned, It's to disconnecting for me immerse in or enjoy and I fucking love Metal Gear and am a fan of Kiefer. He's just not Snake.
Lurker28. Very true. Another thing no one seems to mention is the fact PC games cost a hell of a lot less then console titles. Everyone is fast to talk about upgrades costing lots. The common misconception is that you always need to have the best components which is not true, not unless your completely anal. Just because you don't have settings on "very high" doesn't mean it looks rubbish. Stick Crysis or even fallout on medium and it looks better than it's console counter part. PC games cost half of the same title on a console. If you buy alot of games, which you obviously do if your on this site. Then the saving soon adds up, if you stuck aside the money you saved buying the PC version, your upgrades pay for themselves.
Well I understand why people are complaining about them missing out vital information, such as built in memory size and what drivers they used for the setups. However you need to realise that this guide was mainly aimed at the usual gamespot user. AKA ZomG! pants-on-head stupid Xbox owner "PC gamin is so exspensive $3000 for a graphics card...zor" So give them a break.
I'd go with having to relying on people in on-line games, people are stupid. And the on-line language that has developed over the years Noob, nub, owned, pwn, gief, tard etc.. most of this has derived from America, but i won't hold it against any of you, I'm sure your already embarrassed :P can't we all just be groan ups?
Dunno what Intel have proven with this, other than they have finally caught up with technolgy thats been out for about a year or so already?! I betting AMD arn't worried! Intel are holding on by a small thread and most sales are from people who no nothing about computers, who instead think they are getting the best because they have a catchy jingle and constant TV advertisment! Ever seen an AMD TV ad? i know i haven't in the UK, basically cause they don't need to.
Gruff-182's comments