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Gryphon2-5 Blog

Warhawk promotion

Today I turned on Warhawk to sneak in a quick game between class and work, and for turning the game on I got promoted to Commander (from 2nd LT).

How awesome is that.

Still working on FFXII..maybe I'll finish it before XIII comes out.

Oh, and I got RRoD on my 360!! GRR!! Guess I won't be getting AC6 on launch day. And I wanted to be one of the first to play it online, etc. Now I'm thinking that I'm gonna wait till it comes out on PS3 (yes, it IS coming out on PS3) to get Ace Combat 6. I know it gets old but for multiplayer on 360 I'm a huge fan of FPS's and racers; the next game for 360 I'm hoping to get's gonna be The Orange Box. Ace Combat 6 can wait until the PS3 version.

Neverending Fantasy XII

Still working on FFXII...

Bought the house, wife had the baby, and despite all the new demands, I still have plenty of time for family, full-time college life, full-time work life, and some game time.

Managed to beat MGS:PO after the baby was born. FFXII is a work in progress...hopefully I'll beat it before FFXIII comes out.

And even tho I have both a PS3 and a 360, I'm glad that MGS4 is a PS3 exclusive.

But I'm kinda surprised AC6 isn't gonna be on PS3 at all (for the forseeable future).

Planning on creating a "squadron" or something for AC6 when it comes out. I have it all visualized in my head but haven't done the logo yet.

Things are busy.

Till next time...


First things first:

I was ShuyinXSeraph here, but that account has since disappeared from the GS server...hmm...

I try really hard not to be a fanboy. I was a Sony fanboy for years. I'd even spit on an X-Box if I could back then, and Nintendo wasn't even an option. I bought a DS...why?

But that all changed sometime around the time I bought a 360. I don't have that many games for it save GoW, NFS:C and Halo 1/2, and I've had to eat my words a few times.

I still live at home (for the next three weeks or so) so I do have access to a Wii (my brother's) and the thing is kick-ass. It's great. It's pretty much all I play these days since I'm not gonna have one soon, and since I'm gonna have a baby this year, too, I dunno about getting one when I move out just yet. Buying a house, having a baby, full-time school and know how it goes. Right?

But I'm still die-hard about the PS2. Haven't played much lately since I got the 360, but when I move, since I won't have a Wii to mess around with, I'll finish up my FFXII game.

My favorite game of all time still, to this day, is Chrono Trigger for the SNES.  I've never gotten tired of it in the 12 years since it was released.  I still play it.

Well, that about covers it...anything else, add me on MySpace.