Isn't it?
It's good to know the gaming market is evolving, and bringing so many solid options to the table... But when ALL those options are solid enough that they'll warrant you 60 dollars each, it gets a little on my nerves. For example:
I was looking forward to Dragon Age 2, as it was my way out of not having Mass Effect 2 on the PS3. And then ME2 gets announced... And I got so into the concept of DA2, that now, I'm still considering buying it. And obviously, Mass Effect 2 as well. So that's 120 dollars of which I could have spent 60 only in ME2, a year later than when I'm going to. And I'd probably not pay enough attention to DA2, which would make not want it.
Then there's Resistance 3. I kind got over the Resistance franchise after R2; I've grown to not like Science Fiction anymore, and after such a long time without a hint at another Resistance game, I had already given up hope. And invested my expectations on another online shooter, Killzone 3. But then... R3 gets announced. And it's the first game franchise I committed to story-wise, and really wanted to know what happens in the next game. So it's hard to pass its announcement by, especially when it's getting so much positive attention from critics. What I mean is, again, had R3 been announced earlier, I'd also not buy KZ3 and would have saved money. Maybe.
Right now, games I'll certainly buy are:
Street Fighter X Tekken
Killzone 3
Resistance 3
Either Mass Effect 2 or Dragon Age 2
LittleBigPlanet 2
And it's worth noting, my current game collection is comprised of 6 games:
GTA Episodes from Liberty City
Red Dead Redemption
Modern Warfare 2
Killzone 2
Uncharted 2
So I'll almost double (or double, depending on whether I buy only ME2 or both it and DA2) my collection by the end of next year. And I've had my PS3 for nearly 3 years now!
And about my latest blog entry, Kingdoms of Amalur? I figured BioWare's games are a safer bet, and they already incorporated most of my favorite RPG elements. Let's just hope they don't screw up the combat in DA2 like they did in DA:O.