its a sad day in gaming that suchs a weak character like gordon freeman won greatest of all time . Steam useds its millions of users to promote him witch is unfair .
Gordon is more of a character then Mario will ever be, name one thing that makes mario better then Freeman. Nintendo just dosen't care about there fan base as much as valve does.
Are you serious? Gordon doesnt even talk. how can he better than mario if he has ZERO personality. Gordons just there :P
The Xbox 360's 2010 lineup is essentially 4 exclusives, maybe 3 if Alan Wake ends up coming to PC, which is not too bad but nothing really compared to the Playstation 3's:
- Gran Turismo 5 - God of War 3 - Heavy Rain - MAG - White Knight Chronicles - Yakuza 3 - Modnation Racers - Quantum Theory - The Last Guardian - Atelier Rorona - Ar Tonelico 3 - Eye Pet
Thats just what we know of sofar, there is still the possibility of titles like:
- Eight Days - The Getaway 3 - Yakuza 4 (Japan) - White Knight Chronicles 2 (Japan)
And not to mention superior multiplats like:
- Star Ocean 4: International - Tales of Vesperia Complete
PS3 looks like its ready to dominate for a second year in a row.
:lol: Ah man you sir have just made my day. O wait ur serious?
Ima gonna let you finish and all... But the PS3 has the bestestestest-ish lineup of all times!!! OF ALL TIMES!!!!
LoL... But seriusly as of right now you realy cant say witch one has the better lineup next year...
We (PS3) get: -GT5 -God of war 3 -MAG -FFvs13 -Heavy Rain -The last Guardian -Mod nation racers -White knight chronicles And maybe eaven InFAMOUS 2 and Resistance 3 ... So our lineup and your lineup are just as good... Exept that ours totaly owns cuz of God of war 3 and GT5 :D
That list isnt that good imo. Doesnt MAG have a fee or something?
GOW 3 is the only game from that list that i will get. Others are meh.
i mean come one what xbox360 exclusive game can compete with this MONSTER ps3 list... 2008 was a joke and 2009 was a joke and so will 2010 compared to ps3..
1. god of war 3 - nuff said
2. gran turismo 5 - gazillion million dollar bank
3. heavy rain - fresh... something different not seen on xbox360 only space marines with guns
4. last guardian - just Amazing oh wait its those Shadow of the Colossus devs double awesome
5. agent - rockstar
most probably missed tons of ps3 exclusives.. come and throw me spacemarines/guns xbox360 multiplatform titels..
Sorry but i think the 360 lineup is light years better than ps3. Hell, GOW3 is the only title in that list i'm getting.
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