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LEGO Star Wars: TCS Review

Alright I know it's been a while since my last review but that's because Blue Dragon was horrible and I didn't want to waste my time reviewing it (I didn't even finish it) Now for the review.

What a fantastic game. I had never bought into the hype of the series before, thinking "that's a dumb idea" but wow, what a truly fun game. While the attack system isn't as in depth as most gamers would like it to be, it still it one of the most entertaining experiences on the 360 yet. There's lots of little extras (red bricks, minikits, challenges, etc) in each level that will definitely keep you coming back for more. Achievements definitely added tons of replay value to this game by encouraging you to get those secret items. Another positive is the number of characters in the cast. We've all seen star wars and we all have our favorrite characters. They're all in there...with Jar Jar. Co-op play is a blast whether it is with a friend on Live or or on the same screen and dueling in the arcade is endlessly amusing. All in all, an amazing game.

The only negative I could find in this game was it was too easy and for that I took off 3 points.

Final Score: 97/100