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From the Forums - Casual Adult Gamers Edition(2)

Over on Casual Adult Gamers, our fearless leader just picked up his first PS3...the new PS3 Slim. And immediately had some problems with it out of the box. Because I just experienced the PSN sign-in issue with a local friend of mine, the PS3's DNS problem was fresh in my mind. Here's a copy of my post, which also includes some commentary on the differences between XBox Live and the PSN. Cheers.

Yes, life in PS3-land is not the same as it is on XBL, but it is not as horrific now as it was in the PS3 launch window. One thing I finally noticed (yes...I am dense) is that when you are on the PSN Store, scrolling is not buffered like it is on XBL, so you scroll through lists the same as you would in a MS Word Doc, unlike on the 360 where in the Marketplace a lot of times you scroll...and wait...and scroll...and wait...

A buddy of mine and I have been playing regular Rainbow Six Vegas 2 nights on Mondays, and he just switched from his wireless to a wired connection. One thing we discovered is that it seems that the PS3, when set to auto-configure its network settings on a hard-wired connection, can not figure out how to properly set the DNS. It might be worthwhile (although I know there is a 90% chance you already checked) to go into your network settings, look at your DNS when you are on a wire, and make sure it is set for the IP address of your router. I set my Primary DNS to (my Wired router) and then just set my Secondary DNS to If the router is down, it's not like I am getting on anyway, so there appears to be no need for a 2ndary DNS setting when behind a router on the PS3.

I know that some devices/appliances look for the DNS settings to match the DNS settings on the router, vice being set to the router IP address itself, but in this case, this is what has worked for me. Let me know if this helps. Peace out. - Vr/Zeuxidamas.