@crazycat690 No, cause as a huge Metal Gear fan, i really don't care if Hayter voices Big Boss. Hayter was always the voice of Solid Snake, and i hope he always will be, but Big Boss is not Solid Snake, and I think its about time he started to get a little distanced from Solid as a character. Plus i think the big reason they are changing BB's voice now is cause they may do a remake of MG1, and if they do that they will have snake talking to snake, and they cant just have Hayter talking to Hayter, but they can't just change BBs voice all the sudden again either like they did in MGS4. Hayter not returning is a good thing, you shouldn't fear change so much.... Sam's new voice actor is horrible though i must say, having a 20 year old voice a character going into his 60's is not good.
@Imperiacommando The problem with it was that, unlike WoW, it had no depth to combat, or fun end game. The combat was so bare bones, you got 5 attacks with each weapon (usually 2 to 3 of which you didn't even like, but couldn't customize or change out) and you pretty much had all your abilities from level 10, making the combat feel stale by level 30 let alone at max level. GW2 had some good ideas, but it didn't even come close to dethroning WoW.
its funny how old people always seem to know what is negative for kids. That god damn Elvis Presley and his gyrating hips are the devil's food. That god damn rock music is turning our youth into delinquents! making them do all sorts of drugs and have sex before marriage! These "moving pictures" are corrupting the imagination of our children, we need to eliminate movies, its rotting their brains. SAME OLD SONG AND DANCE.
I wonder what stupid thing we are gonna be all bitchy about to our children with? probably spending too much time in suspended VR, lol! "that't not the real world you know! you should spend more time in reality instead of your make believe VR world!".
Gump_the_Great's comments