Gun_Chimp / Member

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Thanks to all who attended the first Battlefield Union Game Night

... or Bear!!

The first Battlefield Union game night for the XBOX was a success in that, of all the Battlefield Union members who spend a lot of time talkin' about the game... we now know who the hardcore really are!

Huge thanks to Bear Newman (bikerbear13) for making the 5 or 6 hours of Bad Company 2 gamage so much fun. OK, I have to admit, I suck at BC2, but who cares, it's soooo much fun and I´ve made dying with style a new artform! I managed to unblock a few new guns, and by the 2 hour stage I'd finally got my game on long enough to start dolling out the pain instead of simply receiveing it... Was that a bush or a sniper.... (kit selection screen)... aaah, it was a sniper!

I had fun until sleep got the better of me and I turned in for four hours shut eye until walking the 1km to work... by a beach... with sun... How I managed to make it to the office still beats me, but it passed quickly as I relived my "Battlefield Moments" in my mind, counting the hours til I can play again and, hopefully, one day master how to snipe with the T88 sniper rifle...

Although, to be fair, I´m not sure that's even possible!

Can´t wait for the next game night