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GundamWing1 Blog

Same scenery but sun involved

How is everyone feeling about the new year? Do you feel excited, are you afraid, or are you optimistic of what is to come? Would it be a better year, yet there is no change, improvements. Would it be the most engrossing experiences you would have however you wouldn't mind if you didn't experience it, a paradox. It could also be a static, very finite realisation... just new things, experiences, ideas... yet they result in the same outcome.

I don't know, haven't had a good last year. I guess I just needed a place, where few people would see it and a place where I can actually remember where I place my thoughts on. I will see what my actions dictate for me.

Spring Break

I know that spring break is nearing completion (for some of you that is). But wanted to know how your spring break is going, as for me it is going well...even if I have homework to do in the process of me enjoying spring break. (Even if no one replys)

The end to "work" and the begining of "relaxation".

Well, it is finally here, [Summer Break] and I don't know about you but I feel a sense of sadness/morose at the thought of the end of my Freshman year, at High School, but it could just be that, this is my first year end a new school, but than why didn't I feel this when I was in six grade? Maybe it how I have "grown" in my 11-ish months, at my freshman year? That have either strength in' me or have weak in' or hurt me in one way, shape, or form. But in the back of my mind I know that my somore (sp?) year would probably be better than the previous year, things like this always happens, well to me they do. But a good reason for that is that I have forgotten the great/good time that I have been throught. And one last thing, I hope you guys/gals have a great summer, weather it has started for you [like me], already in your summer break, or still taking thoughs Finals, and wish you luck on them. :)

Sign X- - - GundamWing1 Jr. - - -

Ps: "Ain't it funny how it is, you never miss it 'til it's gone away" Just though it fit well with my journal entry. Its from Iron Maiden, if you didn't know that by now. 

12/19/04 Some thoughts in my minds.

I know that I am late on this one, but I haven't really been on much, but anyway GameSpot, did the right thing for not making journal entry,etc go with your post count, cause than this would be like a mini-board for us "basic" memebers that don't have the right to have a board, but its more, like a journal now, on a note hope new entrys still equal to the same % as posts. :D even tho, I don't really kind to be the #one user, with 20+ ( from what I remeber )

Boy, I am having a very bad school year, :evil: Need to fudgein' study and stay the fudge from the internet now,....oops, maybe I said to much? And if you by chances see this entry, and are also doing bad in school, I hope the best of luck to you. :)

Till next time, this is Gundam Wing...Jr. :( saying Happy Chrismas, and a Happy New Year to you. :) "See you later space cowboy" :P

Well the school year started here for me. :|

And all I can say is that I hate it so much now, but its just the first few days, and we (class) didn't do much so, I'm going to watch awhile. Reason why I hate it, is one word: Gym, well one of the reasons, why I hate High school so much, in middle school it was better much, much,much better, imo. So their my first journal entry. :)