Woo!!! I have finally made it to disk 2 of Xenogears!! Thanks to the guide I used by Gheddon LN. Anyway, Nothing will stop me from finishing this game.....also, there are some things I want ot know about Xenogears and Xenosaga....
If Xenosaga is the story that took place before Xenogears....how come nothing in Xenosaga relates to Xenogears? I mean, Shion Uzuki has the same last name as Citan Uzuki...but that's not even his real name. And will they ever remake Xenogears? I think I need to play Xenosaga Episode IV before I will find out......
What about Emperor Cain and Abel? If they existed so long ago, how come they aren't mentioned in Xenosaga? Is it because Square-Enix will sue the company that made Xenosaga? So many questions still unanswered....
Anyway, if Xenogears was remade, it would be off the chain. I mean, there has to be better graphics, better dubbing (I hope) and like, it will be just better, you know? So let me type my gaming experience now....muahahahaha.......
I started playing again, in Krelian's Lab. Man, that place is big, and creepy. Making mutants.....slaughtering them.....and eating them...and don't forget the Bloody Bros.....eeegh.....
I kept on following the guide I used, and got very far. Executioner, and taht freaky costume.....Grahf...and his freaky mask......they suffered my wrath!! Hahaha beyaaatches! You shall bow down to me...William. No wait, they already did!! Haha suckas! I used Citan, Emeralda, and Fei. Citan's sword is da bomb man! He's like...a swordsman. But the long freakin' cutscenes really bothered me....nah..just a little. Somehow, it is getting hard for me to learn deathblows with Fei...wierd...anyway, that's about it for today.