Avid COD players will buy every COD game no matter what. Activision cannot lose with this franchise. there is 0 innovation between every installment. the sound effects for weapons have always been garbage, no one developing these games has ever fired a firearm apparently because no gun in these games acts even remotely accurately when you fire it, the graphics have not evolved much from game to game... but none of that matters. it's COD. it will sell like hotcakes and will continue to do so for the rest of our lives.
Gurutar's forum posts
it's my netflix/youtube machine in my bedroom. i haven't played a game on it in years and don't plan to.
RPG's for PS4 i'd recommend:
- Divinity: Original Sin: pretty classic D&D structure and theme, well-balanced and has interesting mechanics.
- Bloodborne and Horizon: Zero Dawn: i'm always kinda iffy about calling these games RPG's. technically you level up and put in stats/skills, but the RPG element is in the trunk while character action is driving. still, i'd recommend them.
- Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Age: huge improvement over the original, very solid mechanics, job system incentivizes replaying and experimenting. always been my favorite FF.
- Skyrim/Fallout: everyone loves them, they're good games.
Games i would recommend AGAINST buying:
- Diablo 3: shameful sequel. basically a "find the higher number" RPG with very little room for creative builds. also endgame is STALE AF.
that's it, really, i just don't like Diablo 3.
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