That's just sick dude.Bang her if shes hot, incest is the best sex?
GuysSeriously's forum posts
I don't how I should tell her or if I should just not say anything about it.That's kind of creepy that she thinks you're in love with her. Like, REALLY Creepy. No offense.
HAve you tried telling her that you don't in fact like her in that sense?
For the past couple of weeks I've ran into her changing clothes constantly and now she thinks I'm doing it on purpose. I've told her to keep the door closed. Now she's all suspicious and I hate it.
Sorry morals don't coem from God. Morals arise as a result of societal living.BumFluff122
People say that TODAY because you are living in a society with thousands of years of religous morals that have solidified the backbone of society to the point that you yourself are ingrained with them...
Like it or not, you are a product of religion. Your benevolence and enlightened state are all there thanks to the Bible, thank you very much.
Without a belief in a God, we would be advanced by a few decades...dreDREb13
You have a LOT of explaining to do.
I think you have your 'rationality' backwards. The correct phrase is 'no rational person would believe in something that has not been proven. Therefor no rational person would believe in God.' Without a belief in God, we would live in a terrible place with no moral foundation.[QUOTE="GuysSeriously"]
When you are writing the founding documents of the greatest nation of all time, you don't just leave things out and ASSUME things are understood.
The Founding Fathers didn't mention athiesm in the constitution because they knew that no rational person would deny the existence of God and shouldn't be allowed in America.BumFluff122
Apparently being brave enough to speak the truth somehow makes you a troll these days. :roll:
Athiesm is a label put onto people who do not believe in religion or god by people who do.
So we gonna start making labels unconstitutional? good lets also make neo-con and liberal unconstitutional as well.
When you are writing the founding documents of the greatest nation of all time, you don't just leave things out and ASSUME things are understood.
The Founding Fathers didn't mention athiesm in the constitution because they knew that no rational person would deny the existence of God and shouldn't be allowed in America.
Typical of a liberal to resort to personal attacks in the face of logic and truth.No, Beck is an Idiot.
You have an avatar of Glenn Beck. Your opinion is now void. Void? Glenn Beck is another brave hero who everyone tries to silence. It's funny how liberals are all for freedom of speech until they don't agree with it.[QUOTE="GuysSeriously"]
The U.S. Constitution mentions the freedom to practice any religion, but where does it say there is a freedom to practice atheism?
And don't try to pretend the Founding Fathers meant to protect athiesm under freedom of religion. Atheists trash on religion so much that if any of you say "atheism counts as a religion" then that makes you a hypocrite.lordreaven
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