Havent been on all weekend, I feel the need to blog. Lets see...I'll be going to vote tomorrow (Boo-Yah) should be a load of fun and suck a few hours from my life which I will never ever get back.
Anyway over the weekend I bought Fallout 3 and rented Saints Row 2, Finished Saints Row it was one of those simple and fun games that doesnt take itself too seriously, although a blatant knock off of GTA. Fallout was impressive from what I saw. I havent had much time over the last weekend so I was only able to play the prologue vault quest and my hopes werent crushed and the game thus far is rather impressive.
So after I get back from the polls tomorrow I plan to spend some quality me-and-PS3 time. Probably wont be around GS too much for a few days other than to check out my updates and such.