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BF V: A rant

So I'm sure some of you showed up to satiate your appetite of seeing yet another person rip EA/DICE apart on their anti-consumer practices, and if so, I'm sorry to disappoint you. No, this rant is targeted at the community and all their rhetorical, misinformed and ill-justified rage.

Before I start, you should all know that I consider myself a pretty fervent anti-SJW and anti-feminist, as well as being against PC culture. Some of my favorite related YouTube channels are Karen Straughan, Paul Elam and HoneyBadgerRadio. However, I'm also a big fan of rational and critical thought, rather than lashing out with emotion, which is why I won't just blindly side against social/political commentary supporting SJW/PC culture.That being said, I'll start things off slow.

It's multiplayer, you fucking idiots... It's character customization in a MP game. And save me the "history buff" argument. Really? You're a fan of the war? Did you learn about when troops would play team deathmatch or a variant of capture the fucking flag? That shit really happened, didn't it? Tell me, do you feel the idea of getting points for kills and headshots is equally as "disrespectful" to veterans, as offering the ability to play as female via customization?

DICE didn't put those women on the battlefield. They just provided the tools and option for players to choose to do so. All the talk about "we don't have a problem with women in the game," yes you do, shut up... Even if not for sexist reason, you still have a problem with them being in the game, because "immersion" or "historical accuracy."

Any actual history buff, is not going to waste their time complaining about a MP, WWII video game, that was never known for it's historical accuracy to begin with. BF was always about being "real enough." Real enough to separate itself from the competition, and real enough for your average player to say, "wow! this shit is real!" And even in cases with Battlefield 1, where you can argue historical accuracy or authenticity, the immersion is still broken by shit like 3 guys with flamethrowers riding on top of a horse...

Oh, and could somebody please outline what exactly this "political agenda" is I keep hearing about? What is the purpose and the end-goal? Like, if everything went as planned, what was EA/DICE expecting to happen? What would they gain? What was their ultimate plan? These are the basis for having an agenda in the first place, so I'm curious... It's character customization - calm the **** down... at worst, they are just playing the "diversity card," to warrant justification for having customization in the first place, and thus, cosmetic microtransactions. That in itself may be shitty, but is it "boycott the game" shitty?

The fact that the game allows you to also creates blacks, and Asians, and soldiers with no helmet, and face paint and mohawks, for all sides in the game, yet women still seem to be the focal point, is why the "I don't have a problem with women" argument, is suspect as best.

Anyone going on about how they should have women in the game play the roles they actually played in the war, well, that is going to be reserved for the single player war stories. If and when the SP is shown, and it is revealed that DICE pissed all over history, then you can piss and moan.

And finally, because I know someone will bring it up, I'll address the whole "uneducated" fiasco. Those who claim they are not getting/playing the game because EA/DICE called them out as being "uneducated" and told them "don't like it, don't buy it," well....

Soderlund was not addressing the community as a whole with his "uneducated" comment. He was addressing a vocal minority that took to Twitter claiming that EA was sacrificing historical accuracy and realism for political correctness, despite plenty of available history about women in World War II. His response to them was:

"These are people who are uneducated—they don't understand that this is a plausible scenario, and listen: this is a game, "and today gaming is gender-diverse, like it hasn't been before. There are a lot of female people who want to play, and male players who want to play as a badass [woman]."

"And we don't take any flak. We stand up for the cause, because I think those people who don't understand it, well, you have two choices: either accept it or don't buy the game. I'm fine with either or. It's just not ok."

If you take offense to his comment, then:

1.) you are one of the people he was actually addressing

2.) you are wrongly outraged due to being mislead by the community/media as to who/what he was actually addressing

3.) you are a triggered snowflake

4.) You aren't actually offended, and instead are just using it as a disingenuous means to justify hating on EA yet again.

All these people getting triggered (which is ironic in itself) over absolutely nothing. And the more they try to justify their arguments, the more ridiculous they make themselves look.