The console crowd seems to be in this state of mind where, they don't care how they win, as long as they win. Meaning, they don't look into WHY consoles sell more than PC's, they just see they sell more, (and they own one) so PC's suck. To put in in layman's terms, console sell more because they are simple, not because they are 'better.' Also, I would guess that PC's do indeed outsell consoles, for the simple fact that not everyone is buying a PC for gaming. Look at places schools, universities, and households around the world that purchase PC's not to play games on.
Console's aren't outselling PC's because they are so much more versatile, and have superior hardware. They are outselling PC's because they are cheaper and easier to use. But, like a lot of things, you get what you pay for. Consoles appeal to the younger crowd more than PC's do. Which means a lot of consoles are bought by parents, not the kids playing them. Mommy and Daddy don't want to spend $1000 on a PC for little Jimmy, because there's a good chance he'll brake it. So they settle for the easier to use console...they don't want to get thier kid the diamond they settle for the Cubic Zirconium.
Most PC's are bought by the actual person who is using it, and they are usually 18 or older, and they have a much higher appeal for older gamers. Now before you start the "I don't have to pay $1000 for my xbox." I hear this statement so much, and it really holds no merit, because 1) PC gamers are willing to spend $1000 and much, much more for their rig, and in return for spending that money, will get superior hardware, the ability to upgrade, and enough storage space to make an xbox cream its pants. 2) Console gamers 'conveniently' forget to include things like surround sound speakers, and HDTV's in their price. or if they buy headphones, or any peripherals. You might say "but those are optional." And I would say, "so is paying $1000 or more for a PC." Plus in some cases, you HAVE to have a broadband connection (xbox), we do not. You have to pay for full access to your 'browser or 'OS' (XBL) and the games cost $10 or more each.
Now the whole "Consoles are better than PC" debate is dead as dead, because no one ever elaborates on why. They just say things like '"consoles are better, because PC's suck."....yeah, that solved a lot.....You have to get into specifics as to why, and you will see that both platforms are better for certain things. If I say "wheat bread is better than white bread," I can't prove that, but if I say "Wheat bread is better nutritionally than White bread," now we're getting somewhere.
So how are PC's better than Consoles? Well first off, hardware. PC hardware is vastly superior to a console, in terms of performance and versatility. First off, PC's are capable of superior graphics...if you can't admit this, then you really are a fanboy. The best video card on the market right now retails for around $600. Do you really think 1 part of a PC, that cost's as much as 2 Xbox Elites, isn't going to outperform what a console can do? Not only could it outperform 1 console, but it could outperform all of them combined. And this doesn't even include the nice motherboard, CPU, RAM, HD, sound card, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers. All of which can be chosen and purchased separately, rather than limited to the 'what you see is what you get' philosophy of consoles.
PC's also have a lot more freedom with their hardware compared to consoles. For instance, for my new PC, I need a case, GPU, CPU, motherboard, and RAM. I don't need a new dvd burner or cd drive. I don't need a new HD or sound card. I don't need a keyboard, mouse, monitor or speakers. I can choose to replace only what I need to, rather than buy a console, have to wait 5 or so years for the new console to come out, (while still having 5 year old hardware) and then buy the whole thing, rinse and repeat. I think A LOT of console players would like the ability to swap components in their consoles. Other than business or money reasons, I don't see why Console companies don't consider this option when designing systems.
Another big win for PC is storage space. What's the biggest xbox HD, 120GB? I have 500GB on this computer, and my buddy has 3 HD's, and over 3TB of storage space. Again, no contest, PC wins.
Another is versatility and choice. I can use my PC to run a server (not just for games) I can use things like Photoshop, and MS Word. I can burn CD's, DVD's, and Blu-Ray. I can check my email, pay my bills, and check my bank account. I can do things like run a business and trade stock on my PC. I can play games without the disk. I can learn another language, convert miles to kilometers, print and fax documents, even lookup who invented the word 'fart.' I can do SO much with my PC, that it easily justifies the price. When I buy a PC, it's not just an entertainment device, like a console is. Which is a big reason why you will find many households have PC's rather than PC's AND consoles.
And I say choice for this reason. I can listen to music on my PC. You can listen to music on your console. The difference is, when I listen to music, I can choose what I listen to it on, whereas you are stuck using whatever software is in the console. I can choose between itunes, or WMP, or Winamp, or Foobar, or MediaMonkey, or software that came with my Sound Card. I can add plugins that enhance the sound, or add effects like echo. I have EQ settings, etc. and the same goes for movies, and games. I play Fallout, you play Fallout, but I can change the resolution on mine. I can change specific options in my graphics. Do I want AA or AF enable? Do I want Bloom or HDR lighting? Do I want shadows? How detailed do I want the shadows? How detailed do I want textures? etc. I can boost graphics to the highest setting, or even lower them to increase performance. I'm sure some console gamers would like the ability to sacrifice some video settings in some games to make them run a little smoother. I also have true dedicated servers for multiplayer, practically every game has fully customizable controls, and with the amount of buttons on a keyboard mixed with a mouse, I also have more choice for my controls. I also don't have to have broadband to play online. I can also choose which OS and Browser I use, whereas on xbox you get to choose between XBL and….well, nothing.
These are some big advantages that a PC has over a console. Now let's look at some console advantages.
The biggest two are probably price, and ease of use. First off, I would like to get something out of the way. Yes, gaming PC's can cost $1000 or more, but they don't HAVE to. You can buy a PC for much cheaper, that includes a monitor and mouse/keyboard, that still competes with a console. It's just that most PC gamers don't want to 'settle' or 'compete.' They want to destroy the competition, and will buy the best of the best parts, to play games at high resolutions, with max settings. All of this still doesn't change the fact that consoles are less expensive.
For $300 you get a descent system, which can play games, movies and music, and can play online and talk to friends, all in one nice, neat package. It sacrifices all the options and versatility of a PC, to be streamlined and easy to use. You buy it, you hook it up, you put in a game, you play it. It's a done deal. This appeals to a lot of people. Especially parents with children, people who don't want the 'hassle' and 'responsibility' of owning a computer, and people who are computer illiterate. And all games made for a certain console will work the same on all those consoles, since the hardware is identical. They also tend to be smaller than PC's and are usually played from the comfort of a couch, rather than in front of a computer screen, which also leads to consoles being a more social platform for gaming. I however, play my xbox on my monitor. This way I can keep my PC and console all in one spot, and it also frees up the TV. And my monitor is widescreen 1080p.
Another things is their is more than 1 console to choose from. Wii plays wii stuff, xbox play xbox stuff, PS3 play PS stuff. There is more choice for a consumer, whereas a PC may have different brands, like Gateway, Compaq, Dell, etc. but they all play the same things. This can be looked at as an advantage or disadvantage for both PC's and consoles.
So enough with the, "consoles suck" and "PCs suck," crap. They both have things that appeal to different people, and one is not is not 'the best.' If you are looking for a less expensive, 'hassle free' method of gaming, where you can have friends over, relax and play games, go with a console. If you want the ability to have a workstation as well as a gaming rig, and you want the best of the best hardware, with a more 'intimate gaming experience', where it's typically just you and the game, and any friends you play with are usually online, get a PC.
PC and console gamers, for the most part, can play well together. It's usually when someone yells baseless comments like, "PC'suck!" or "controllers blow!" that things get ugly. Nobody likes to hear something they like or enjoy get made fun of. And it starts this big debate, with testosterone and typo's flying all over the internet. So console fanboys and PC fanboys…get off your high horses. I'm a PC gamer at heart, but I still play console games. We are all gamers here, regardless of where and how we play them.