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Un-complicate the complicated

Having experienced the evolution of reviews I have come up with some basic conclusions of my own. During the early days, game reviews consisted of the reviewers; first impressions, its mechanics, storyline and the overall entertainment of the game.

Over the years I have seen the reviewer compete and compare the foundation of past game reviews with present day releases. They begin by drawing comparisons with prior games and thus become overcomplicated and laced with personal preference. They also compare the graphics quality of one with another when this doesn't even affect the game title that is being reviewed.

Exploring the game title and staying within the boundaries of; first impressions, mechanics, storyline and entertainment allows for the reader to decide whether he or she will purchase the game. Based on this simple outline maintains the integrity and quality of the review.

"Avault" back in the early days had a decent review site. They used a star system and seal of excellence for those over the top games. The review explored the fundamental outline of the game itself. Today, review sites have changed and lost the vision of the early days.

Some call it evolving and progressing with the times. I call it "missing the mark"

Game reviews should be just that, simple, uncomplicated, unbiased and entertaining. Let the reader form an opinion and give the developer a chance to sell their product. Giving us the game review as outlined above, to me is the Holy Grail of reviews.

Where has time brought us? Getting back to the basics in an over complicated world would allow for games to become what they are meant to be, "A time away from reality and pure entertainment".

Kudos to the players

I must say, lately I have been happily surprised, .... that some of the recent reviews have been poised around the game and what it has to offer concerning playability and entertainment. Rather than focusing on comparing it to a game that was alike. The review stood out for its informative overview of the game itself.

Those reviews have the hint of glories past for the quality of the review. Sharing the good the bad and the ugly of a game without personal bias allows for the reader to get a good oversight of the game itself. It doesn't poison the reader with a reviewer's personal bias. Thus allowing the reader to decide based on the overall game play on whether he or she will invest in the game.

Companies that invest the money developing the game should be given the opportunity to deliver based on the overall playability and quality of the release. It will either make or break their reputation. If a company releases a bomb or a good to great game, it is those that actually play it that make up their investment and allows for another release to be offered by that company.

Codemaster in my opinion is one of those companies that failed to deliver on a much hyped game by they themselves, "Turning Point Fall of Liberty" ring a bell…… but for me redeemed themselves with the release…"The Rise of the Argonauts." I am waiting to play "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising" and hope that it will be what the hype from their camp has been leading us to believe it is…….or is not.

I will read the players reviews to help me with that purchase. To me this is the key, all the post by those who post their personal review of the game during and after they have played it is a wealth of information. Kudos to you all who buy and play the games, I appreciate your input. You guys and gals are the reviews that most hardcore gamers look for. Keep up the good input and continue to play on.

Thank you Gamespot for allowing your patrons to continue to contribute their wealthy advice about a games good bad and ugly side. Most readers appreciate this as I do.

Freedom of Speech or Bias in speech....you choose

I am appalled by the lack of news worthy coverage from some of the old school main stream media of these days. Simply ignoring the facts or distorting the story to fit ones agenda or distort the facts due to ones affiliations is happening at a runaway pace in these trying times.

We as a nation, who are Americans first should cast aside any divisions and reach across the table with hands of unity. Respecting difference of opinion and encourage debate when that differs.

Never allowing distortion of the facts to benefit the elite few but allow for the truth to become the basis for discussion.

We should never forget the promise of Equality and Freedom that our forefathers sacrificed and died to secure for all future generations. Thus creating the Constitution of the United States to ensure that tyranny will never walk again on our shores of Freedom that we call home....America.

To post with equal protection and not selective hearing

Everyone has an opinion and the idea that we all have to think alike would be absurd. I was recently suspended for 2 days (forums)and could have been permanently banned for violating a post rule…"clear insult to another member".

I went back and read what I said, and to me I could not see that this was a clear violation of intentional insult. The true insult was that the other post basically stated that I was wrong for thinking the way I thought concerning government run heath care. I basically stood up for what the founding father's wrote concerning the federal governments limited role with providing services to us Americans that should be reserved the states and the people. Though I did not get into detail to avoid argument I encouraged those to read and do the research themselves and discover what I discovered…the truth. That the federal government ought not be in the health care business based on our Constitution of the United States.

The 10th Amendment is there for a reason. If I offended someone, I do apologize, this was not my intention. That is the reason I am posting this blog.

I certainly respect anyone's opinion but I will clearly stand up for our nations Constitution and will not step away. I served our great nation and have promised to defend the Constitution of the United States. Socialism has No part in our great nation and we ought not allow this way of thinking to corrupt the freedom and liberty that thousands have died to defend and provide to us.

So, was I banned for insulting someone….according to the moderator yes, but was the person who was perverting the Constitution banned for deliberate misrepresentation of the facts banned, well no. I would not want anyone banned because in the end, we all have our opinions and we must respect those as well.

The fall of a titan

It is coming to be a reality, Gamespot is quickly falling down the once golden edge of game reviewing in my humble opinion. What has happen to the excitement in reviews. They are to inform about a game not compare it to a prior release and then complain that it doesn't have that draw like the first release. Fear and Fear 2 are the prime example of this mindset. Each game brings something different to the table. Fear was ground breaking, Fear 2 the next step. Of course some will argue that fear 2 just didn't have that gotcha like the first game did. But then take a minute to remember the metaphors stumbling from your mouth after you died the first dozen times, and the suspense of pursuing your enemies, the sudden shock of what just appeared before your eyes. The Rise of the Argonauts is another game that was excellent. Different and offered alot of intense game-play. Gamespot, what the hell has happened to your un-bias reviews like those of days pass? I can name plenty of games that were great and you just excused them because they didn't measure up to a prior release or a game of similar storyline. Please get off the toilet and start reviewing with the zeal you once owned.

The lost art of a good review

Well, it has come to my attention that since the former reviewers have been lets say relieved of duties. I have noticed that some of the reviews seem scripted and actually tainted with bias. The times of a honest review is quickly disappearing. When someone is sharing their insight to a game their personal preferences should not cast a heavy shadow over the review.Then you get the kids or immature that post comments that personally attack another persons opinion's.... as if theirs is the only one that is correct.Gamespot is slowly falling off the edge that they once ruled. Reviews are now politically correct or bias.I hope that this is just the growing pains of starting over but I feel that it is not.

The forgotten games

Have you ever wondered if there is truly a game that will satisfy everyone or even the most harden critic in the PC gaming world? We all have played a game that just simply, "blew us away with its awesome game-play". Whether it was a newer or older release we all feel that everyone else must listen to our praises or grips concerning that game. Over the years I have played games that received excellent ratings and ones that had received poor ratings. For the most part if I was to listen to certain critics' recommendations I would be stuck playing only a small handful of games. I believe that every game has a place for someone. For the hardcore gamer to the casual gamer we always find that one game that was unforgettable. Now speaking as a hard core gamer, I have enjoyed many different genres of games over the years and have compared a games game-play to the one game I felt was ground breaking for its day, "Outcast". I only wished they developed the sequel, "The Lost Paradise". With all the games being developed you would think that this game would finally come into existence. But alas, it hasn't. Shame on the developers for not picking up where it was left off. Isn't there a game developer brave enough to complete this sequel? I have bought many games over the years and to date have kept 287 in my collection. I have given away about 70 games prior to moving to Nashville (wife imposed a moving clause). I have enjoyed most of the games in my collection outside of a few that I just stopped playing due to the senseless repetition that plagued the game. Now the reason for this blog is to point out that most gamers are willing to try out just about any game, offer an opinion and recommend based on the level of enjoyment they received. But what really disappoints me is the lack of commitment with developers to finish games they have teased the gaming world with. To date, The Lost Paradise and Star Trek: Secret of Vulcan Fury. Both titles looked awesome and captivating, money makers if completed. So what's the reason for stopping or letting these story lines be untold? I am sure the rights could be bought to complete these 2 games. I challenge all developers to readdress these 2 games and their potential. Well, here's for hoping.