Have you ever wondered if there is truly a game that will satisfy everyone or even the most harden critic in the PC gaming world? We all have played a game that just simply, "blew us away with its awesome game-play". Whether it was a newer or older release we all feel that everyone else must listen to our praises or grips concerning that game. Over the years I have played games that received excellent ratings and ones that had received poor ratings. For the most part if I was to listen to certain critics' recommendations I would be stuck playing only a small handful of games. I believe that every game has a place for someone. For the hardcore gamer to the casual gamer we always find that one game that was unforgettable. Now speaking as a hard core gamer, I have enjoyed many different genres of games over the years and have compared a games game-play to the one game I felt was ground breaking for its day, "Outcast". I only wished they developed the sequel, "The Lost Paradise". With all the games being developed you would think that this game would finally come into existence. But alas, it hasn't. Shame on the developers for not picking up where it was left off. Isn't there a game developer brave enough to complete this sequel? I have bought many games over the years and to date have kept 287 in my collection. I have given away about 70 games prior to moving to Nashville (wife imposed a moving clause). I have enjoyed most of the games in my collection outside of a few that I just stopped playing due to the senseless repetition that plagued the game. Now the reason for this blog is to point out that most gamers are willing to try out just about any game, offer an opinion and recommend based on the level of enjoyment they received. But what really disappoints me is the lack of commitment with developers to finish games they have teased the gaming world with. To date, The Lost Paradise and Star Trek: Secret of Vulcan Fury. Both titles looked awesome and captivating, money makers if completed. So what's the reason for stopping or letting these story lines be untold? I am sure the rights could be bought to complete these 2 games. I challenge all developers to readdress these 2 games and their potential. Well, here's for hoping.
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