Everyone has an opinion and the idea that we all have to think alike would be absurd. I was recently suspended for 2 days (forums)and could have been permanently banned for violating a post rule…"clear insult to another member".
I went back and read what I said, and to me I could not see that this was a clear violation of intentional insult. The true insult was that the other post basically stated that I was wrong for thinking the way I thought concerning government run heath care. I basically stood up for what the founding father's wrote concerning the federal governments limited role with providing services to us Americans that should be reserved the states and the people. Though I did not get into detail to avoid argument I encouraged those to read and do the research themselves and discover what I discovered…the truth. That the federal government ought not be in the health care business based on our Constitution of the United States.
The 10th Amendment is there for a reason. If I offended someone, I do apologize, this was not my intention. That is the reason I am posting this blog.
I certainly respect anyone's opinion but I will clearly stand up for our nations Constitution and will not step away. I served our great nation and have promised to defend the Constitution of the United States. Socialism has No part in our great nation and we ought not allow this way of thinking to corrupt the freedom and liberty that thousands have died to defend and provide to us.
So, was I banned for insulting someone….according to the moderator yes, but was the person who was perverting the Constitution banned for deliberate misrepresentation of the facts banned, well no. I would not want anyone banned because in the end, we all have our opinions and we must respect those as well.