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Virtual Wake Up Call

I've been playing a lot of Harvest Moon and Donkey Kong Country 3 for the Wii Virtual Console lately. Harvest Moon has been taking up a lot of my time. And I woke up early to see if WiiWare was ready thia morning, but so far as of 7:33 AM EST it's not. So, in an effort to not go back to bed yet, I made some cheese sticks. Yum... Well, until the blue light comes on, I'll catch you all later!

Not So Patiently Awaiting

I am attempting to wait patiently for the following games. It's not going so well.

1.) Resident Evil 5 (XBOX 360)

2.) Animal Crossing (Wii)

3.) Wii Fit (Wii)

4.) A Starfox game for (Wii)

5.) Spider-Man Wed Of Shadows (Wii)

Each day I die a little inside.

Goodbye Heroes, Hello Assassins

I don't do a lot of text blogging anymore. Mostly I do video blogs on numerous other websites. However, No More Heroes has inspired me. I bought it yesterday, and apart from work, this game seems to be the only thing that I've been doing over the last 24 hours. I'm only a rank 7 (I'm a slow gamer, I know.)

I like the style and the look, although I do wish the graphics were just a tad bit smoother. I love the extremely over-the-topness to just about every aspect of the game including the story, death, humor, and symbolism (is THAT what he calls it?) To be honest, I'm still trying to figure out why you can pet and feed Jeane, but hey if the shoe fits wear it. The beams in the katana (how the hell did they avoid the lawsuit from George Lucas?) could have been a little more solid, but I suppose they decided to go with the style-look to the weapon early on in the game process, at least I hope they did. The voice acting is nice, with cursing and attitude all in the right moments for a change.

I personally gave this game an 8 out of 10. I would've liked just a little more than what it has to offer, although I'm not quite sure what that little extra something is. Perhaps more of a big deal could've been made out of the concept with the "rank list". At this point in the game (and I know I'm still not very far) all the rank list seems to be is an old 8-bit score list. Sure it fits with the game's style, but I still expected a cooler concept. Oh well, but like I said, perhaps I'm just not far enough into the game. Reguardless, this game is still my current favorite on the Wii console thus far. I personally can't wait for more from Suda 51. Perhaps I'll do a review later so that my opinion can get to where it may possibly matter.

Next week, when I get that lovely little itty bitty pay check, I'm going to buy Bully: Scholarship Edition for the Wii. I'm hoping it's really the experience I've heard that it is. Oh yeah, and I bought the unrated version of Beowulf on DVD yesterday as well. I love that movie for obvious reasons (ten guesses why, anyone?) After I buy my cousin her birthday present today, I have to fight the urge to buy Bully until next week, which could prove to be a big challenge for me.