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Free time means relaxation.

First of all, Aid Mubarak and happy holidays everybody :D

Secondly, Im on vecation starting from today until the 31st of december which means Im having alot of fun this weekend and I can't wait for the GUFU game night just to let you know who is boss in Halo 3 :D

Pride and Glory.

Pride and Glory

This is the Movie you must watch, it is freaking amazing, Ed norton and Colin Farell dazzled me with their acting along with everybody else, the movie is so emotionally involved and it is one of the best I've ever seen and defintely the best this year so far so go and watch it.

Call Of Duty: World at war.

As always, COD surprises and trumps all shooters for the second year in a row, yep I said it, it is better than gears 2, it is better than Resistance 2, I've finally bought the game and Im having a blast with it playing co-op with friends and my bros and also with all sorts of game modes.

So go and get the game, you will have an amazing time with it.

Thats all for now, I'll post a new blog soon for the holidays and some special things to look forward to :D

BHealthy and BHappy.

  • Do sit-ups: a study has found that those with weak abs die sooner, BHealthy.
  • Quitters never win and winner never quit, BHappy.