As usual, I can't resist torturing you guys everytime I see an opportunity.
Incredible! loving da game so far, great atmosphere, great voice acting and storytelling, so much detail put in the environments, sound design is top-notch, music is fantastic and gameplay ofcourse is tight, I've noticed some shit where NPCs suddenly appear and disappear which is major BULLSHIT in this day and age but so far so good!
My prediction list for E3!
I am very excited for E3 since it's been 8 years since we last experienced new consoles and @2005 there wasn't streaming ( I don't even know if there was streaming for E3 at all at that time ?) like we do now so it's gonna be awesome knowing that I'll witness the next-gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft's conferences.
So I've decided to make a prediction cuz you know I am 1:1 when it comes to predictions.....NEVER.
Lets get it on!
Best E3 press conference - Sony.
Worst press conference - EA.
Number of Kinect games @MSConference - 5.
Best looking game, technical - something from Sony studios. ( although a close second in my mind is either Square-enix with Final Fantasy or Konami with Metal gear ).
Best looking game, artistic - New Super Mario 3D for Wii U.
Best Megaton reveal on a press conference - Sony. ( Nintendo comes at a close second ).
Best Game @E3 - Metal Gear Solid 5.
No Show - Half-Life 3/episode 3 and The Last Guardian.
FF Versus is FF15.
New IPs revealed @E3 this year - at least 15 new fresh ideas are gonna be revealed. thought I end this blog with something other than this?
And another beauty!
Later peeps!