So I was going to make a list of the top games from E3 for the past week but I was slacking to do one but here it is dudes, the list is BIG.
Amazing trailer, the graphics looks so much improved from MGS4, the gameplay looks interesting and all I can say is ZAN DATSU.
Enslaved is a game from Ninja Theory, the creators of Heavenly Sword, this game is just awesome action adventure type of game set in a post apocalyptic world and it gives me the vibe of half-life, don't tell me why but it just feels like it in a way which is a good thing, the game is just looks beautiful, lets just hope it is a longer journey than Heavenly Sword.
From the creator genius behind Resident Evil comes Vanquish, a third person fast paced sci-fi shooter with lots of creativity, uniqueness and $tyle with it, the game just looks insane fun and it looks like it's gonna be a must own for all Resident Evil and shooters fans.
Gameplay vid part 1 and part 2.
Gran Turismo 5 just blew my mind this E3, tons of features will be in the game like day/night transition, Top gear test track, track editor and the lounge area online to name a few and on top of that the game finally have a release date, one of the biggest and mostanticipated games for me this year.
I loved first infamous, it was fresh was tons of fun and it really felt like a story coming from the Marvel/DC universe and the ending was just epic, the trailer of the second game looks amazing, there wasn't much of anything but it felt really like a super hero story, it felt like Batman and how the gotham city folks always treated him like some kind of criminal, that gave me the chills oh and the new super powers looked badass.
Gears 3 looks like a major improvement from Gears 2, graphically it looks ridiculous it is just CGI-ish and the gameplay looks way more fun than gears 2, the berserker is back and beast mode is just stupid fun, this game is gonna deliver oh and teh foliage is in the game.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is wicked sick, the gameplay video below speaks for the game, just watch and enjoy.
Kick, shoot, kick, stick grenade, kick, shoot, grab, kick, explosion...that's how crazy and insane Bulletstorm can be, the game is at last has something unique in a genre that is filled with copy cats and lack of originality, oh and did I say you can kick and shoot and grab and pull and kick again and then shoot?
Gameplay.( just fast forward to @2:50 )
We had fun with the online beta, Reach showed us how single player FPS can be and how it should be done, two words, Space freaking combat, oh that's three words.
Space combat, don't forget about that.
LittleBigPlanet 2 looks to be one of the most fun, addictive and cla$$ic games this gen witnessed, the game brings tears to my eyes, no not really but it will be one of the best games EVAH.
The music just screams total win.
Oh **** Donkey Kong is back and he looks awesome, just awesome.
Oh Yeah thats some cool gameplay with some cool music.
oh did I just say the word EPIC ? this game screams EPIC, Deus EX had the best trailer in the whole E3, that's it nothing can top that epic trailer, Im sold, Im already sold after that epic trailer, if that was a trailer for a movie I'd be all over it until release in theatres, that's how much epic that trailers looks.
Castlevania: Lord Of Shadows is a masterpiece in the making, that's how much powerful the game looks, sounds and plays, I can't wait to put my hands on this epic game and at last this is going to be the best 3D Castlevania and maybe reclaim it's place as the best action adventure/platformer game, yea high expectations sue me :P
I know I missed something big, I'll update when I remember or maybe not :P