Two days ago my beautiful niece came back from London after the intense 6 months course of Chemotherapy ( I didn't know they gave her steroids in the process I can't even imagine her pain with all kinds of things she was taking :( ), thanks god for your blissing for this little girl.
So we went to the airport, my mom rented Barney and Micky's cosplays for our maids to wear, the maids accepted to wear the clothes, it was hilarious, people in the airport took pictures with them and all the children there played with the maids thinking they are the real deal :lol:
Anyways, for me, I was like a child waiting for them, just to see my niece, my sister and my brother-in-law, the moment they came out of the gate, everybody ran to hold them, I was prepared to see my niece bald but I couldn't hold myself for this in reality, me, my bros, my mother and lastly but not least, my father, all cried, it was so emotional involved and joyful.
We brought all kinds of gifts for her comeback, she was so happy to see her family again.
Two Wiis in two days.
The day before my niece was here, my oldest bro ( the one who liked MGS4 out of nowhere) bought for his son a Wii, the console surprisingly was alot of fun, I finally got a hold of the Wii remote and I regret every negative word I said about this great console, anyways, she came and we showed my Bro-in-law the Wii and let my niece and him play, he liked it, bought a Wii for my niece, he is playing a Wii with the whole family now, WTF? :lol: my Bro-in-law never liked a console and now he is playing Wii sports, now I know why it is selling like crazy, the Wii is phenomenal.
Tiger + Lion = Liger.
This is something I recently knew about and I must share it with you guys, this is the video of a liger, just look how massive this hybrid animal looks.
Why do men drink wine?
I never drank one glass of any kind of wine and I find it pointless to do so, just wanted to know what is so good about drinking something that could make me out of my mind and do bad things?
I mean there are alot of delicious drinks out there and tastes better than beer, wine, whiskey and other stuff so why?
Bhappy and Bhealthy:
I will add this new section just to own champ's random facts. :D
- Happy people ask for what they need and willing to change, BHappy.
- Chew your veggies: Chewing your greens properly increases the amount of cancer fighting chemicals they release, BHealthy.