So with all E3 conferences over, I'll see if my predictions stack up!
My predictions
1- Best E3 press conference - Sony.
2- Worst press conference - EA.
3- Number of Kinect games @MSConference - 5.
4- Best looking game, technical - something from Sony studios.( although a close second in my mind is either Square-enix with Final Fantasy or Konami with Metal gear ).
5- Best looking game, artistic - New Super Mario 3D for Wii U.
6- Best Megaton reveal on a press conference - Sony. ( Nintendo comes at a close second ).
6- Best Game @E3 - Metal Gear Solid 5.
7- No Show - Half-Life 3/episode 3 and The Last Guardian.
8- FF Versus is FF15.
9- New IPs revealed @E3 this year - at least 15 new fresh ideas are gonna be revealed.
1- Hell yeah Im right on da money.
2- Totally wrong, Ubisoft was the worst, only good thing came from that conference was The Division
3- wrong, not even one Kinect game was revealed in the MS conference which qas quite the big surprise!
4- so damn close, I regret not choosing MGS or FF but still half right.
5- Close again, its another Nintendo game, Wind Waker Wii U.
6- Hell yeah Im right on the da money, Kingdom Hearts 3 and those shots @Microsoft!
7- Hell yeah Im right on da money.
8- need I say more?
9- The division, Destiny, The Crew, The Order 1886, Ryse, TitanFall, NFS Rivals, Mad Max, Thief, Warframe, Sunset Overdrive , Daylight, Outlast, The Evil Within, Dying Light.
There are even tons of other small and big games and games that are revived like Killer instinct, plus games that are new IP but already revealed like Knack and Driveclub but the above games are the games that were great.